First time

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"Damnit!" You yell as you stub your pinky toe. You start to look around the library to make sure no one heard you. Thankfully only dean was here and he was passed out. You sigh and continue what you where doing. Which was heading to the kitchen to get some midol. You where having horrible cramps this month. But you still will not tell the brothers about it. They are started to get really worried.

You have been with the Winchester's for almost a year. They helped you with a vamp hunt back in December. You and your husband were looking into a case of 6 dead and one in the hospital. The boys also caught onto the case. Just in time too. You and nick (your husband) went in guns blazing, well more like knifes blazing.

When you entered the abandoned house it was silent at first. You and nick split up to cover more ground. Everything was fine until you heard a scream. It was nicks. You thought the worst and started running in the direction the scream came from. While running you tripped over something. As you face planted you looked back, only to see your worst nightmare. Your husband laid lifeless and with his neck ripped out. Something came over you, unbelievable pain. As this pain rushed over you, you screamed holding nick in your hands.

The next few minutes were a blur, you saw two men barge in. You saw two vamps take on one, as the other came and grabbed you. You screamed in protest. Yelling, scratching, kicking trying to get back to your husband. And the next second it was black. You woke up in deans car confused as all hell. They explained and took you to the bunker. As you mourned the lose of your husband you started to feel at home at the bunker.

Months went by as you recovered, the boys took you on a couple hunts. But you still felt the emptiness inside you. That only nick could fill.

You enter the kitchen and start rummaging through the drawers. This made more noise then you intended it too. You finally find the drug you needed. And headed back to the library. Right as you turn around there's dean, mad and tired. "What the hell are you doing at 9 am making so much noise." He said.
You decided not to lie "I've been having horrible cramps, so I came in here to grab some medicine."
He sat there just looking at you, in a kind of trance. "Wait why.. why haven't you told us you've been having cramps?" He finally said.
"Well I didn't want you to worry." You admitted.
"Damnit Y/N. You need to tell Sam or me about this stuff so we can help you."
"I'm pretty sure if I've been dealing with this for 18 years now I think I'll be ok." You day as you brush past him to get to the hall.

"Whoa whoa whoa, where do you think your going?" Dean said chasing after you.
"Where ever the hell I want" you yell back.
He finally catches up right as you were entering the library. He grabs your wrist and spins you around.
"Come on talk to me."
"Dean, I'm fine." You say pulling your hand back.
"Uh no your not. I'm going to go get some groceries. And when I get back you better be ready to talk." He says grabbing his bag and walking to the bunker door. It slams behind him.

You roll your eyes and sigh. "God I just wish you would just not be so needy, like cas." You mumbles under your breath. As you turn your back to the door you hear A flutter of wings. Honestly it scared the shit out of you. You turn around to see Castiel standing there blank eyed staring at you.
"Jesus cas! You scared me!" You yell.
"Why? You did call me after all." He spoke.
"What! No i didn- fuck cas I didn't mean too." You blurted.
"Well. I'm sorry I scared you. Uh I'll be on my way now." He finally said after a couple seconds passed.
He started to do his little "lift off" position
"Wait!" You yelled.
"You can stay if you want." You said.
"You know relax, watch some porn, drink a beer." You laughed.
"I guess I could stay." He said walking to the kitchen.
You followed. He immediately went to the fridge and pulled out a beer. And started to walk to deans room which was right across from yours. And he sat and turned the TV on with his grace. You just sit there staring at him. " ok well I'll be in my room cas." You said turning your back to him.
You plop down on your bed and close your eyes hoping to get some sleep. Ten or so minutes go by and you start hearing weird noises from deans room. It almost sounded like porn. SHIT you thought as you jump out of bed and run to deans room. Only to see cas sitting there drinking his beer and watching porn. You run over to the TV and turn it off.
"Cas why are you watching porn!?" You kind of yell.
"You told me too." He said looking down at his raging boner. Your eyes follow as well holy shit your huge you think to your self. You shake your head and sit next to him.
"Cas I was kidding about the porn part." You say halfly sighing.
"I want to try that." He said.
"Try what?" You ask
"Porn." He said looking you in the eyes.
"Y/N, I want to do sex." He said shortly after.
You feel something pool between your legs. As you gulp.
"Well cas I would teach you sex if I wasn't on my period." You say.
"I can fix that" he said placing his hand on your forehead. You can feel your cramps vanish. Not even a second goes by before you feel his lips bash into yours. After a couple seconds you kiss back. Your hands travel up to his face while you slid your tongue into his mouth. He jumped at the contact. He tastes like honey you thought to yourself.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2020 ⏰

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First time     Castiel X readerWhere stories live. Discover now