Aggie suddenly remembered their conversation when they were still lost at the forest, "Hey, Trollex, you didn't finish what you said to me yesterday."

"Which one?" The Techno Troll asked.

"Yesterday, you want to tell me something, but I didn't let you finish because I saved you from the tarantacapuff," the gray troll reminded, "So, what do you want to say?"

"Umm..." Trollex suddenly blushed as he remembered what he was going to say to Aggie before they almost got attacked by a tarantacapuff, "Nevermind. It's not so important."

"Everything is important. Come on, tell me," Aggie was eager to know.

"You wouldn't understand," Trollex shook his head, "You might not like it."

"What are you talking about? Trollex, please tell me. We're friends now, remember?"

"That's the whole point... I don't think you would understand what I'm about to say."

"I could try."

Trollex sighed in defeat. He knew Aggie is a good troll, and she would understand everything, even if this is an embarrassing one, "I don't know how to explain this, but... Aggie..., I..." He looked into Aggie's eyes, and finally confessed, "I think I have feelings for you."

Aggie paused for a while as her face made a shocking expression, "What?"

"Ugh! I know that wasn't right, but... Yeah, that was it. Weird, right?" Trollex made a little chuckle to make the moment funny, but Aggie didn't laugh in respond. She only stared at him in shock. The way she stared made the king groaned in embarrassment, covering his face his hands from Aggie, "Oh, I shouldn't told you that!"

"No, no, no! It's okay, Trollex. You don't have to be ashamed of telling me that," Aggie said immediately before Trollex almost floated away in embarrassment. The Techno Troll slowly put his hands down, trying to be brave from being embarrass, "But, just curious, why do you like me? As in like like me?"

Trollex sighed as he turned to face Aggie again, "Because... I see you very special."

"What do you mean?"

"When I first met you, I saw myself in you. You're such a dreamer, happy-go-lucky, and fun-loving little troll. You trusted us leaders so easily to help you. You always believe in hope. You have hopes, dreams and expectations, and you kept trying to make them real. And you have great passion for all music. You kinda reminded me of myself when I was a little troll, before my parents died, before I became king."

Aggie hung her head down after listening to Trollex's explanation. It's like she was pity for him that he can't have what she's having anymore now that he's king. He saw something more to her that she didn't even see in herself. She scooted closer to Trollex, and patted his back.

"When we got lost, and when you saved me, I... I feel so worried for you. I feel that... I'm in love with you." He continued.

As much as she was shock, Aggie was speechless. She doesn't know what to respond. The King of the Techno Trolls... is in love with her? This is so uncommon. No one's been in love with her before.... Not even a royalty. She just looked down, and responded, "Oh."

Trollex observed her respond as he shook his head down, thinking Aggie didn't love him in return, "You don't feel the same way, huh?"

"No. I mean, it's not like that," Aggie replied. She groaned in frustration when she was speechless to respond to the king, "Trollex, what you said to me was very sweet, but..." She sighed sadly, "When we got lost, I... I feel something very funny when you were around me. When you took care of me, cheered me on when I walked the invisible bridge, taught me how to swim, I felt... I'm in love with you, too. But I don't know if that's what I've been feeling."

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