HS&ZZ on a vacation

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"Oi Zhuang zhi get out of the shade!"
"Yea,give me a few its too hot out there and i cant put the sunscreen on."
"Y-you n-need help?"Hui shi blushed with the thought of rubbing Zhuang zhis sexy back.Seeing his (nonexistent)muscles flex just riled him up more.
"If you would be so nice too."
Hui shi strolled towards Zhuang zhi eyeing him up and down adoring his lean physique.
"Hey you gonna keep eyeing me or start rubbing me?" (;;;;))
"E-EHH?!"Hui shi started getting on his knees from the faint feeling in his heart.A huge blush erupted on his face from what Zhuang zhi said.
"A-are you sure you want m-me too? I-i wouldn't mind rubbing you with y-your consent Z-zhuang zhi"Hui shi mumbling what he thought was such dirty words.
"Of course! Unless you want me to ask someone else to rub sun screen on me?"
"N-NO!!! W-wait s-sorry haha yea i will rub it for you! Internally slapping himself for thinking such dirty thoughts, Zhuang zhi was an airhead after all.

Hui shi started rubbing Zhuang zhis back with the sun screen blushing from touching Zhuang zhi so intimately.
After Hui shi finished rubbing his back Zhuang zhi turned behind and stared at Hui shi and Hui shi staring back.Looking intently into those gorgeous eyes Hui shi could not get enough.
"Hello?? You gonna rub my front body or what?" Zhuang zhi waved infront of Hui shi.
"W-wHAT??! Y-YOU WANT ME TO R-RUB UR CHEST AND S-STOMACH TOO?!" Hui shi hollered looking like the ripest tomato Zhuang zhi ever seen.
"Well yea? It would be easier if you did it for me come on! You rubbed behind me might as well rub in the front too!"
Hui shi could not stop thinking if he meant for the words to sound this dirty,riling him up or him just being an idotic but loveable airhead.

Sighing he started to rub Zhuang zhis chest,stomach and arms,blushing hugely the whole time thinking how lucky he was to be able to feel such intimate spots with his crush.
"Thanks Shi! Here let me help you put on yours i dont think i seen ya put on any just now!"
Before Hui shi could react Zhuang zhi started rubbing his arms.Hui shi's eyes bulged feeling Zhuang zhi rubbing his arms accidentally flexing his huge biceps while at it. Hui shi could not even speak feeling so embarrassed getting man handled by Zhuang zhi,it was like the dreams he had except in real life.

~Time skip blah blah hui shi gets embarrassed when Zhuang zhi rubbed him yes~

It was nearing the end of the day and Zhuang zhi decided it was a good time to stop messing around and watch the sunset.
"Hey Hui shi come here and watch the sunset with me!"
Hui shi nodded before making his way there sitting next to the most beautiful person he has ever seen in his life.
"So beautiful......" Hui shi mumbled thinking Zhuang zhi couldnt hear it.
"I know right! The sunset is simply beautiful here if only we could enjoy this every day for the rest of our lives i would actually like it you know the two of us......just us.
"Yea........me too......w-WAIT WHAT?!"
Zhuang zhi chuckled at how adorable Hui shi looked with his bright red face.
"See ya in a bit shi im going to the cabin" Zhuang zhi gave a quick kiss to his cheeks before walking away,leaving Hui shi stunned there thinking this must be a dream.

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