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In the late 17th century, British astronomer Edmund Halley proposed that Earth consists of four concentric spheres, each nestled inside one another. He was right. Down under the earths crust is the core of Earth, and inside the core is Sekai. Sekai contains a sphere of light which is the baisis of life and spiritual belife. The sphere known as Seishin emits a type of radiation which causes mutations in some of the inhabitants giving those effected special abilities which tend to evolve around how they think and act. Those who are gifted with powers are known as traditionally known as the Arufa, but are referred to as Alphas. Those who do not have abilities are called Yowai, but are refferred to as Betas.

In Sekai there are many villages and cities with bodies of water deviding land masses. In a smaller village is a family consisting of a dad his son and their dog. The family is well respected and the father is very much like a sheriff of the town. One rainy day riders in black appear in the village wearing a red crest. The riders speak to the father in private for awhile when the house they are in explodes. The only assumed casualties are of the father and the rider who he had been speaking to. However the bodies are not found and the other riders in black dissapear. 

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