Christmas gifts

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Man after that soak central thing i said to dad that pls i never wanted to go there . And it's that i was waiting for . Yes! christmas gifts. I went down looked near the tree for my gift.

 I went down looked near the tree for my gift

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 And every gift was for manny . I asked mom why i got only 1 present.

Manny got dozens of presents whereas i got only 1 present

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Manny got dozens of presents whereas i got only 1 present.

ME:mom why i did'nt get presents

mom: because you pinched rodrick last week

after 5 mins i checked out that there was no presents for rodrick.I went to rodrick's room and told him and he said:

me:hey you did'nt get any presents

rodrick: you stole my presents and wrote your name on it!!!

me:uhh........ ask mom about your presents

rodrick: ok but first let me kick you out of my room

no joke he kicked me out of his room

i also needed to give mom and dad gifts

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i also needed to give mom and dad gifts .

for mom it was a cup and wrote on it'''#1 mom''' and for dad it was a cap with a cloth embroidery written '''# 1 dad''' and seriosly they both liked it

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for mom it was a cup and wrote on it'''#1 mom''' and for dad it was a cap with a cloth embroidery written '''# 1 dad''' and seriosly they both liked it.

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