Jackson and Taehyung suddenly looked at Mark who hasn't said anything yet. His eyes widened as he shook his head in protest.

"Nu-uh, why does Jackson never have to do anything?" Mark said pointing his finger at Jackson accusingly.

Jackson put his hand on his chest and gasped dramatically at the accusation. He knew it was true but he didn't want to admit it.

"Let's settle this maturely" Taehyung said while looking at his 2 friends.

They all looked at each other before they raised their hands.

"ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS, SHOOT!!" They all yelled at the same time.

"OH FUCK ME!!" Taehyung yelled in frustration as he looked at his hand.

He looked how his hand held up rock while his best friends both had paper. He looked at them with a glare while being ignored by his giggling friends. Taehyung grumpily walked down the stairs with a pout on his face. He heard the steps of his best friends behind him but he was still childishly upset. Once Taehyung made it downstairs, he stalked over to the sofa and plopped down on a empty space. He felt the spaces next to him dip and looked at his friends. He glared playfully at his friends before laying on them dramatically with his back facing the  now silent boys.

"Why do I always lose at Rock Paper Scissors?" Taehyung asked with a pout on his face.

"I don't know. I guess you just suck" Mark teased while sticking his tongue out at Taehyung.

Taehyung glared up at Mark playfully before sitting up. Taehyung smirked to himself before leaning up to Mark's ear.

"Would you like Jinyoung to know of that dream you had of him yesterday?" Taehyung questioned playfully making Mark gulp nervously.

He looked at the smirking Taehyung and instantly pinned him to the sofa. Taehyung looked up with a soft smirk playing on his lips. Mark leaned down and whispered in his ear.

"I could just tell your crushes how much you want them to fuck you even though you're a virgin" Mark said playfully making Taehyung's eyes widen.

Taehyung laughed nervous and looked over at the boys on the opposite sofa. They were all looking with curious but also dark eyes. Taehyung looked back up at the smirking Mark and shook his head.

"Alright you win, just don't tell them" Taehyung whispered but everyone heard from how silent it was.

"Good" Mark grinned while sitting up and pulling Taehyung with him.

"Tell us what?" Jimin questioned after a few moments of silence.

"Nothing" Mark, Taehyung and Jackson said at the same time since they all knew Taehyung's secret.

The boys looked suspicious but nodded anyway. They then let their eyes trail over the ones they like and couldn't move their eyes away even if they wanted to.

"Oh yeah, do you all want to go swimming?" Taehyung asked, snapping all the boys out of their daydreaming.

They all nodded and went down to the basement to get their clothes. Once they were down there, they all started to change, but they were all thinking different things.

"What do you think Mark was talking about?" Jin asked while looking at everyone.

They all looked at each other and then shrugged their shoulders. They were all curious but they weren't going to pry the information out of them. They walked back up the stairs and met the 3 cheerleaders back in the living room. The cheerleaders smiled at the 8 boys, making their hearts beat faster in their chests. Taehyung motioned for everyone to follow him out to the pool and the 8 boys couldn't help but stare at the 3 cheerleaders asses.

*Taehyung pov*
I could feel the stares of the football player's looking at my ass and I couldn't help but smile to myself. I continued to lead everyone until we finally reached the door to the indoor pool. I opened the door for everyone and smiled brightly. They all walked in and I walked in after them. Since Mark and Jackson have been in here plenty of times, they went straight into the pool and hopped in. I heard Jackson shriek and I giggled to myself. I walked over to the heating system and turned it on. I then walked over to the pool and hopped in, making my whole body wet. I resurfaced from the water and pushed my wet hair back. I looked over and noticed how the 8 boys were still looking around the room. I giggled and got my friend's attention.

"They've been doing that the whole day" I said teasingly while giggling to myself.

"Well your house is nice. Me and Jackson did it the first time we came over" Mark laughed while sweeping his wet hair out of his face.

"Especially when I found your endless amount of snacks" Jackson said with a smile on his face.

I just giggled and shook my head at him. I then looked back at the boys and my brain seemed to stop functioning. I just noticed that my crushes were all shirtless. They all had muscles but were built differently from each other. Yoongi, Jin and Hoseok all had defined abs but were more on the leaner side. Namjoon, Jungkook and Jimin had more muscles that subconsciously flexed and their abs were drool worthy. I was snapped out of my trance when I felt myself being picked up from behind. I let out an unmanly shriek and grabbed the arms around my waist. I heard a familiar giggle from behind me and allowed myself to relax.

"You need to stop staring so hard Tae Tae" Jackson giggled while spinning me in circles.

I giggled with him and looked towards the boys. They were finally getting in the pool and I smiled. Jackson set me back down and stood next to me. I looked over and noticed how Mark was already talking to Jinyoung and how JB was looking at Jackson. I smiled before walking over to the 6 football players. Whatever conversation they were having stopped when they noticed my presence behind them. They all looked at me and I smiled brightly.

"Are you all enjoying yourselves so far?" I asked while running my hands through my damp hair.

"Yeah, we're all having fun baby" Jungkook said while smiling at me.

I blushed at the nickname and looked down with a shy smile on my face. I wasn't paying attention when I was suddenly picked up. Instinctively, I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. I felt someone's hands holding me up by my ass and I relaxed into the touch. I don't know when I closed my eyes but I opened them up to be met with Jimin staring straight back at me. His face drew closer to mine and he suddenly kissed me. My eyes widened in shock but I was too frozen to move. When Jimin didn't feel me kissing back, he pulled back and tilted his head to the side. I looked around and noticed how everyone was looking at us. Mark and Jackson was looking at me wide eyed and my eyes teared up. I scrambled out of Jimin's hold and got out of the pool. I walked to the door and quickly walked out, too afraid of what might happen when I left.

Hey guys!! All I want to say is, STAN TREASURE🙃

Until next time~
~Author A✨

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