Chapter Twelve

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It was Zoey.

Jake recognized her instantly, with the blonde hair and pink fade, to the frilled sweater and high heels. He felt as if his heart had turned to ice when he saw her and Lia standing, both their backs facing him. He could just make out Hailey's distressed face from behind them.

"HEY!" he shouted, making the two bullies jump. Lia's eyes widened when he saw him.

"Jake!" she swivelled her head to Zoey. "Come on, Zoey! Let's -"

"You go!" Zoey hissed. "I'm not afraid of that freak!" Lia ran down the hallway, not looking sorry to depart the scene. Zoey turned to Jake.

"Leave her alone," he said coldly.

"Or what?" she jeered. "You'll call the teacher?" she laughed.

"Oh, what's that?" Jake called. "You wouldn't want me to call Drew and tell him all your affairs, would you? I can't remember him being your date to that restaurant last Saturday."

Zoey paled, but regained her posture quickly. "Fine!" she snarled, green eyes flashing. She turned to Hailey.

"Tell anybody what happened," Jake heard her say. "And your little secret will be revealed to the whole school." She then stalked off, passing Jake with an icy glare, which he returned stonily.

"Hailey!" Jake ran forward to her, helping her up. She stood up shakily. "Are you okay? What happened? What was Zoey talking about?

"I-I'm fine," said Hailey, sounding on the verge of tears. Jake looked down, where pieces of ripped paper were scattered. His eyes widened, and he bent down, realizing this was probably the remains of the lyrics Hailey had written for the Clozy Concert Hall performance.

"Hailey... is this what I think it is?" Jake whispered, stunned. Hailey bit her lip.

"I-It's..." she hiccuped. "It's the page of song lyrics I was working on for the p-performance. I just finished it t-today!" she cried. "I was so excited to show you guys, but then she ripped it all up! I can't remember all of it, and I didn't have a-any backups!"

She suddenly burst into tears.

"Shh," Jake hushed her softly, pulling her in for a hug. Her arms wrapped around his neck, and he wrapped his around her back. Her hair smelled of lemon soap and honey. He didn't mind as salty tears splashed onto his shirt. It hurt seeing Hailey so broken like this. He couldn't imagine her crying like this.

They held the position for a while, Jake patting Hailey's back feverishly until her tears had been turned to shaky breaths. None of them pulled apart, and Jake didn't think he wanted to.

"What was Zoey talking about earlier?" Jake asked. "She did more than just rip the papers, did she?"

He felt Hailey tense in his arms and she suddenly pulled away, avoiding his gaze. "It's nothing," she said in a monotone. She started to walk away.

"Wait - Hailey!" he called. It had happened so quickly he didn't get a chance to register it. "What secret was Zoey talking about? Hailey!"

But she had already travelled out of earshot.

Did Zoey blackmail her? Jake thought, heart racing.


"Hailey! Thank goodness you're okay, where've you been?" Zander rushed towards Hailey and threw his arms around her. The other band members rushed out of the room, wearing relieved faces.

"I'll let you explain," Jake nodded at Hailey. Her eyes were still puffy from crying, and tear tracks stained her face.

Jake walked away from the music room, hoping to clear his head. What did Zoey do? And how did she even blackmail Hailey? Could they write another song in time? Why did Jake even care so much about Hailey?

He sat down, back against the wall. When he hugged her - it felt so warm, and comfortable. Why did she pull away?

"Hey, Jake... You doing okay?" He jumped and looked up to see Daisy peering down at him, her soft, white hair floating around her.

"Oh... yeah. Just... thinking," he replied.

"About what?" Daisy sat down on the floor next to him. He'd normally blush or at least feel his heart beat faster, but this time, it rather felt like a good friend was talking to him.

Maybe I really did get over Daisy.

"I... Hailey," the words came out of his mouth too fast. Strangely, he didn't regret them. "Yeah, that's what - who I'm thinking about. Hailey. And... I really don't know why."

"Hmm," Daisy pondered. "Do you perhaps like Hailey?"

Jake flinched wildly, and he felt his face warming. "L-Like her?"

"Yeah. You know, have a crush on her," there was no trace of embarrassment in Daisy's face as she watched him intently.

Jake looked down. Was that it? Did he like Hailey?

"I'm not sure what you mean by that," he said slowly.

Daisy said, "Do you love her? Like how you loved me? What were the feelings you felt towards me before?"

"Wha - you? I thought we were talking about Hailey!"

"What were your thoughts on me before?" Daisy persisted.

Jake thought for a while. "Well, I... I thought you were cute," he blushed. "And you seemed really kind and smart."

"That's it?" Daisy raised an eyebrow.

"Well, what do you want me to say?" questioned Jake.

"Nevermind," said Daisy, sounding like she was deep in thought. "What about Hailey? How do you feel about her?"

Jake sat, thinking about all the times he ever spent with Hailey. How he smiled every time he was around her. How he couldn't handle being torn apart from her, and how she trusted him before he had even uttered a word of his story. |

Was that love? The feeling of never wanting to let go of her, wanting her to be happy? The feeling of missing her the most out of everyone around him?

"She's really smart and kind in a different way," he began slowly. "She's genuinely kind, and beautiful in her own way. She's passionate about the things she works hard on, and is an amazing singer.

"Spending time with her feels amazing, like a sunlit heaven, and I never want to let go of her. Hailey's one of the first people I think of when it comes to trust." he was surprised to see the words flow so easily off his tongue.

"I can't bear to see her upset, and my heart pounds when I hear something's happened to her. A mixture of emotions lead me to her... She sparks my soul and my eyes light up whenever I see her."

Daisy smiled. "That, Jake," she said quietly. "That's love. You never loved me. You only liked  me. That's why you were so quick to get over me. But Hailey isn't someone you'll get over. You love her, Jake!"

"I... I do..." Jake blinked a few times. "I really do!" The words didn't seem wrong at all. Suddenly, his heart seemed lighter, and something like a current of happiness passed through him.

"You should confess to her," Daisy advised. "See if she feels the same way. I'm sure she will!"

"Thanks, Daisy," said Jake, looking at her. "I guess you finally made me realize what path I should really take."

"So you're going to tell her?" Daisy asked, delighted.

"Yep," said Jake. "And I know just when to do it."

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