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-(y/n) POV-
I woke up as usual and went to make breakfast. I smiled at the finish cooking and watched as everyone walked in. "Morning everyone." I greeted and cleaned my area a bit before I joined them. "Morning (Y/n)." They greeted and enjoyed the food. I cleaned up and began to clean around the base. I never went outside since Kai has told me it is terrible and not worth going out there. I was lucky enough that we had a backyard where I usually was at. I never had a quirk and my brothers always told me that it was okay and that I was pure. Growing up I didn't understand it but I soon got it. I knew what Kai was doing and I didn't fully agree with it. I helped Eri with her injuries and she viewed me as a mother. I grabbed a plate of cut apples and waffle to Eri's room. "Morning Eri. I brought breakfast." I smiled softly at her. She sat up and began to eat the food. "Thank you mama." She said quietly. I patted her head gently and hugged her. "You're welcome. I'll be back when Kai is done with you. I'm sorry I can't stop this from happening. It will get better soon. I promise." I kissed her head and left with the dirty dishes and began to clean around. I then went to the garden and watered the plants. "There you go. All nice and watered." I smiled and sat down on the white bench swing. I hummed a soft lullaby that Pops sang once. Once I was done outside I read a book about plants. I sat in the living room and drank my tea peacefully. Until Rappa came in shouting. "That Overjerk! Always says he too busy to fight! Oh hey (Y/n)!" I chuckled and waved at Rapp putting my book down. "Hello Rappa. Another wait onto fighting my brother?" I asked. He nodded and sat next to me. The others soon came in and sat down. "I'll go make some more tea," I got up and headed to the kitchen. I accidentally bumped into Setsuno as I walked. "Oh sorry Setsuno." I apologize and smiled softly at him.
"I-it's fine (Y/n)." He said walking pass me.
- Setsuno POV-
For the pass few weeks I've been feeling weirdly whenever I was around (Y/n). She always so kind and caring and very different from the rest of us. She is a very beautiful person but...I know she won't go out with me. I gave up on love and couldn't risk it getting broken again. Though my heart tells me it's okay to love her. I shook my head mentally and looked at the rest. They began to talk about things until (Y/n) came in. "Here you go guys." She smiled and sat down next to Rappa. "What are you reading (Y/n)?" Nemoto asked. "Plants. I hope to find more when brother let's me go outside again." She sighed. We understood why Kai kept her inside. Though I thought she should go out more than just the garden she always goes to everyday. Just then Overhaul came in followed by Chrono and Mimic. "Hello brothers, mimic." She greeted with a small smile. "Sister I need you to tend Eri's wounds please." Overhaul told her. She nodded and left the room. I sighed as I watched her leave. I then saw Overhaul and the other two take a seat and talk more about the plan for tomorrow.
- (Y/n) POV -
I held Eri who was crying. I gently rubbed her head and combed my fingers in her hair. "It's okay. Your safe right now. I'm here for you little one." She cried a bit more and held tightly to me. I then decided to sing her a song that I once listened to.

I smiled as i saw her sleeping in my arms. I then fell asleep next to her feeling her little hands holding me tightly.
- Overhaul POV -
I smiled softly as i watched the camera. "She always had a beautiful voice." Hari said. I nodded and looked at my paper work. "Her birthday is coming up. You do know she's been wanting to see the outside world." Hari informed. "I know but we can't. We can't be seen and I can't let our pure sister get sick by the rest of the so called heroes." I sighed. "We can't keep her inside all her life. She'll want to leave us and live her own life. You know you don't want that either." I knew he was right and I tapped my mask. "Maybe this year we'll let her outside, but we'll need to have someone with her." Hari nodded and we both knew who she can go with.
- Setsuno POV -
I was talking to Nemoto until Chrono came up to us. "Setsuno, as you probably know my sister's birthday is coming up. You will go with her outside and let her have a good time. Protect her with all cost and keep her away from other people. Me and the boss trust you to take care of our sister." He ordered. I nodded and I felt my face heat up. 'A day alone with her?! I mean we know each other well and she is close to my age....What am I thinking?!' I put my head down and sighed. Nemoto chuckled and he's the only one who knew about my interest in (Y/n). "Fluster are we?" "Shut up...I mean how could i go alone with her? What should i say? What should i wear?" I questioned. "Oh hey Nemoto, Setsuno." I jumped as i heard her voice. "H-Hello (Y/n)." I greeted. I felt my blush creep and I cursed at myself for it exposing it. "Oh Setsuno your face is turning red. Are you alright? Are you sick? Is it your mask? Do want me to make you some tea?" She asked while grabbing my face which heated more as she pulled it closer. She doesn't know much about feelings like love and it was cute. I blushed more at the thought. "A-Ah no it's okay. I-I'm fi-fine. J-Just training too much is all." I got out her grip and quickly said goodnight to her. I sighed heavily and tried to pull myself together. 'You really make me feel something.'
- (Y/n) POV-
"That was strange?" I said while I looked curiously where Setsuno left. "Don't worry. He'll be okay sooner or later. Hey (Y/n) do you ever wish to fall in love with someone?" Nemoto asked. "Yes. I hope to find someone soon. And hopefully have a family of my own one day." I smiled. He hummed and nodded. "Well goodnight Nemoto. See you tomorrow." I waved and left to go to my room.

My love?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora