A Real Chapter... Hopefully.

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"Wake up, child."
A gentle breeze whiffed across my face.
I felt a thump to my left side before the rest of my senses came to me.

I couldn't quite get a grasp on my surroundings immediately, but from what I could tell the second I opened my eyes, I was somewhere so very far away.

"At last you are conscious, young one; we have been waiting to speak with you," a voice hissed in an unrecognizable accent that sounded a little like a gargling sink disposal. My head followed the source of the voice instinctively, and I found myself facing an alien creature eye to eye.

I suppose I should've been rattled, but after that hellish fever dream, I was in no state to be jarred further.

"What is it that you wish to speak about?"

"We have a want to know where you have been haled from, child," The creature asked me a question that I then realized I wanted to know the answer to as well.

I tried to come up with an answer, I wanted to come up with an answer, but there was none. I got lost in my thoughts trying to find some sort of fragment of information, but my efforts were fruitless. Then I was interrupted by a deeper and more gravelly, but clear voice.

"Enough, it no longer matters where this child has come from. This ship shall be her home now on, unless she has other inclinations."

The owner of the voice looked similar in the way that he too had 6 limbs, though he had a bigger build and wore a more intricate mask which disguised his face.

"Tell me, young one, what is your name?"

That was another question I couldn't seem to answer. I looked around to see if I had anything on me that contained any indicators. After scuffling around in a purse (which I think is safe to assume was mine) I found a Diary with the name "Athena" labeled on the front. I couldn't be too sure that that could be it, but I wasn't in the mood for being picky; besides it sounded pretty cool.

The two people(?) in the room who had been watching me rummaging through my things drew their attention back to my face as I lifted my head ready to speak.

"You may call me Athena, I know no other name." My response was a little painful to execute as my throat and lungs felt as if they were on fire. The two who stood before me squinted their eyes as if trying to recall something, but before the larger of the two spoke.

"Welcome aboard, Athena. You are now apart of this clan lest you wish to leave and be devoured by the cruelties of these lands."

It didn't take long for me to figure that this would be the best for me. I held out my hand to shake, but instead the big man pulled on it and held my shoulders close in a rough hug.

"Dliksne, tell the others that we have a new sister whose arrival needs celebrating," he spoke in delight.

The supposed "Delicks knee"(?) Ran off to spread the news while the big man led me off to somewhere.

After taking a decently timed walk through what I now knew to be a spaceship from the little "get ourselves acquainted" chat we had, the big man, otherwise known as Captain Shilvor, showed me to my new living space. It was a small area off to the side in the engine room with a rickety pulley operated door that opened vertically. Probably not the safest thing in the world, but it was what they (they being the crew) could give me, and that was honestly more than enough.

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