Chapter 2: The Job

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The Next Day

I got off the plane, my back finally feeling better as I stood up and was able to move around. I took out my phone and looked to see where my brother wanted me. I called a taxi over and told the driver where I needed to be, which was a block away from where Brian said to meet. I don't think he'd very much appreciate it if someone knew where they were.

When I entered I saw 3 guys fighting with each other.

"I though cock fights were illegal in Brazil." Another guy said next to a pretty brunette as they watched the other guys.

Having enough, and annoyed that I had to come half way across the world for my brother I put two fingers in my mouth and whistled loudly.

"Enough! What are you?! Fucking annoying ass children?!" I snapped.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't little Breanna O'Connor." One of the guys, now that I remember as Roman Peirce from Brian and I's childhood. "Damn! You grew up fine girl!"

"You wish you could get this, Rome." I laughed giving him a hug.

"I see you all have met." A bald buff guy said as he walked out with Brian and a brunette.

Everyone started catching up and hugging as I stayed next to a parked car, leaning against it.

"You made it." Brian smiled causing everyone to look at me.

I rolled my eyes. "As much as I didn't want to, you'd never call unless it was really important."

"Good to have you back." Brian smiled, pulling me into a tight hug before turning to everyone else. "Guys, this is my little sister Breanna, Bre that's my girlfriend, Mia, and her brother Dominic, then you have the rest of the team. Leo, Santos, Gisele, Han, Tej, and you remember Rome?"

"Nice to meet you all." I said, forcing a smile before turning to Dominic. "Now let's get to business. Why did you and my brother drag our asses half way across the world for?"

"Because we got a job." Dominic said with a poker face.

"Okay, so our target is Hernan Reyes and he runs the drug scene down here." Brian said as we followed him to a table with a map. "He's never been busted because he doesn't leave a paper trail."

"No paper trail means no banks." Gisele spoke up. "And no banks mean cash houses."

"That's right. Ten of them to be exact." Brian said as he opened the map. "Spread throughout the city."

"And we're gonna hit them all." Don stated.

"All of them?" Tej asked.

"All of them." Dom nodded.

"This sounds crazy. You bring us to a whole other country, just so we can rob the man who runs it? I thought this was business? Sounds personal to me. Is that what this is? I got love for ya'll, but personal ain't good business." Roman frowned and looked at Brian before walking away. "I can't do this homie."

Smirking I turned to Dom, knowing what I'm about to ask is gonna get Roman's attention.

"So how much we talking here, Dom?" I asked.

Dom smirked back. "So what we're talking about here is 100 million dollars."

"You say what? Hundred......" Rome stammered as he looked back at us then walked back up with that stupid smile on his face meaning he's about to shit talk his way out. "See, sometimes I be overthinking, man, and I know we just met, but you just, kinda, got to........"

"Ignore half the shit you say?" I finish for him.

"What she said." Rome nodded before shutting up.

"That's right, 100 million." Dom nodded. "And everything we take, we split it evenly."

"So that's a little over $10 million a piece." Tej stated. "I am down."

"I'm in." Santos nodded.

"A whole $10 million?" Rome spoke to himself. "That sounds like a whole lot of vaginal activity to me."

I looked at him with a grossed out look on my face. "Dude, that's disgusting."

"You can't pull off 10 heists on the same mark." Gisele frowned. "You just can't."

"Yeah, as soon as we hit the first one, they're going to do everything they can to protect the rest." Han added.

"And that's exactly what we're counting on." I smirked. It's how Margarita and I still do it.


Everyone was in position with masks on and guns in our hands, waiting for one of Reyes' guys to show up. Once one did we knocked him out and put sun glasses on him so we could get in.

Once the door opened Dom knocked the door guy out with his gun as we stormed in.

"Ninguém se move!" We demanded as the woman in lingerie started screaming. Rolling my eyes we got everyone in a group on the floor as the rest of us started stacking the money on a car in front of them. Knowing it was going to be destroyed I pocketed a few while no one was looking. Old habits die hard.

"That's all of it." Brian said as he put the last stack on the pile.

"You're a dead man." The door guy said after gaining consciousness. "You're all dead men! You don't have a place to hide."

"Whose hiding?" Dom asked as we took off our masks.

"Are you crazy?" The man snapped. "Do you know whose house this is?! Whose money you are stealing?!"

Dom instantly poured gasoline all over the money.

"Oh honey," I chuckled. "We're not stealing it."

I smirked, taking the lighter out of my pocket, throwing it on the cash as we all watched it go up in flames.

"You tell your boss exactly who did this." Dom told him. "Tell him there's more coming."

We then all walked out and got into our cars, racing back to the hide out where it's safe.

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