Omega Pov

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I sit in my room. We had a new person join our army but she has been strictly forbidden to not tell anyone her identity, not even me, and we are not aloud to show her ours so with help from Luke we managed to change our appearances. I had gone to Chaos and complained. I didn't trust her, she seemed eerily familiar and she was quiet with her head stuck in a book most times. I hear a knock on my door and sigh,

"Who is it?" I ask, Selina opens the door,

"Chaos wants to see us, it is very important!" He says. I get up and I walk off down the hall. Yes, Selina and Luke are still alive, I brought them back.

Flashback #1

I am at camp and I try talking to my friends they seem to just ignore me, even Grover who always knew how I felt, he comes over to me just as I think that,

"Hey Percy I ended our empathy link, because I needed to have one with someone else." And he walks off to that son of Hecate, Andy. Ever since Andy came I hated him and wanted to destroy him, but I didn't. He would claim that he can beet everyone in a sword fight and all the Gods love him. Even my own farther. I try not to think about that though because he disowned me for 'killing' Sally and Paul. There is no proff I did it and I never did anyway.
End of flashback.

I look at Chaos, he seems to be the nervest I have seen him in 700 Chaos years.

"My dear children" he sighs, "I am sorry to tell you this, but there is a war rising on a planet" he tells us. I start to pay attention as we have been to wars before, either fighting for the right side or making a peace agreement between them,

"What planet?" Bekendorf asks,

"Earth" Chaos barely whispers but everyone hears and shouting starts to happen. I stand there shocked before walking next to Chaos.

"Shut it everyone!" I say, they are all quiet and sigh.

Flashback #2

I am sitting in the Poseidon cabin. My friends all ignoring me and never paying attention like I was there, even Annabeth. I look out to sea and I sigh, wishing that I was given a normal life, not this one were Gods are involved.
End of flashback

A Percy Jackson Fanfic: Betrayed and HiddenUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum