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Theo: Lucah...

[I could hear the tears in her voice, as I threw as many hits as I could, Ajax just dodged and punched me in more vitals areas. I knelt to the ground, as blood ran from my mouth, Ajax pulled me up by the shirt.]

Ajax: You've lasted longer than most I'll give you that...

[As he clenched his fist.]

Ajax: But I gotta get serious every once in a while.

[He punched my ribs again, I wheezed, my limbs going numb.]

Ajax: Even if it means nothing to you right now, I really did like you.

Theo: Wait!

[Theo said just before Ajax literally punched my heart, I started to retort but Ajax decided to crush my windpipe, and kick my teeth back onto the ground.]

Theo: You can kill me, just let him go, please.

Ajax: And why should I believe you?

Theo: You already killed my clan!

[What? That means all the time she spent with me she was neglecting her clan...


Theo: Just let him go please! He's all I have left.

Ajax: Oh that's rich, you actually do love him. Very well, get you're last goodbyes in on that cliffside, make it quick.

[Theo gently picked me up into her arms, as I continued to wheeze, locking eyes with her. I was still dying, but I didn't want her to go. This choice is exactly why she should be listened too-]

Theo: What's that sad look for?

[Grazing my thumb over her cheek, I felt more tears well up but I bit them back, I could tell she was holding hers back too. I sensed a waterfall behind me as she placed me down. Secretly pulling out a vile, whispering.]

Theo: Now this will make you feel like death is clutching you, but it'll bring you back.

["What about you?" I said with my eyes but she said.]

Theo: It's going to be okay.

[Which was code for, this was the last time I've ever going to see her. Our tears flew then, as we shared a slow last kiss. Pouring the tonic down my throat, she gently bit my neck before pushing me off the side, as the last image I saw of Theo was getting mauled by Ajax and his pack. My back hit the water as I sank, red veins grew up my body as I seized drowning. My eyes rolled back, as the light in me dimmed entirely.]



[Rising out of a pitch black pool, I was naked but I didn't care, across from me was Theo. But I could tell it was an illusion, as she stepped up to me.]

Do you want revenge?


Then let all you're dark emotions engulf you, and don't look back.

[Theo was naked as well, pulling me into a deep passionate kiss. Before pushing me down into the pool, submerging my head so all the darkness could seep into my stomach.]



[Gasping awake, a crowd of people backed away from me, as I stumbled onto my feet. I was at the end of the stream, on the other side of town.]

Jace: Whoa hey easy-

[I slapped her hand away, exhaling a slow breath. I could tell I was different, stronger, head clearer too.]

Jace: Lucah what happened?

[Swallowing slowly, a wicked grin grew onto my face.]

Lucah: I uh, ran a little too fast and fell off the cliffside into the waterfall.

Jace: Are you okay?

Lucah: After some rest I should be fine.

Jace: Apparently there was a body up there, a girl about your age was there, she was mauled by wolves.

[Sniffing a bit, I sensed Ajax leaving the town, so I had to move.]

Lucah: Oh no...

Jace: You didn't see anything up there?

Lucah: No, I just met her the other day. I'm going to go catch up with my parents, see you later today.

Jace: Don't come unless you need too.

Lucah: Copy that.

[Not the best lie, I could tell there were holes. But by the time she would figure it out, it would be too late. Running back into the woods, I climbed up the tree to spot Ajax and his pack leaving on a bus. Being able to change into a wolf right now would be nice-]

Sorry love can't quite do that, but you can influence someone to drive you.

Lucah: Okay but about the smell?

What about it? You're numb to both werewolf and vampire sides now.

Lucah: Marvelous.

[Hopping off the tree, I gave Ajax's pack a head start of about half an hour. Then tried out the vampire influence on a 21 year old I caught on the side of the road.]

G1: Hi, do you need a ride?

Lucah: I do actually.

Look her in the eyes, tease a bit.

Lucah: You wouldn't mind helping a child like me would you?

[Locking eyes with her, she started to blush, as I felt my aura grow.]

G1: N-No, come on in.

[I smirked before climbing into her passenger seat of her car, sniffing again to catch the sent of Ajax. Looking past a few feet, it looks like they headed towards a dock of some kind.]

G1: Where are you headed?

Lucah: The docks, I was planning to walk but that didn't really work out obviously...

[Looking at her directly now, I licked my lips some, before saying.]

Lucah: Where are you from?

G1: The city, I just headed into town for some car repairs.

Lucah: Really? I should stop in sometime.

If you want, you can make a puppet out of her.


How do you think?

I have to bang her don't I?


Well let's save those for important people, not just a random fish girl.

G1: And we're here.

Lucah: Thank you.

[I waved her off before stepping out of her car, and slipping onto the ferry Ajax and them were on. Now this...

Is going to be fun.]

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