Chapter 1

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"Jennie, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to meet with me," the Dean of the Law School watched me sit down.

"It's no bother," I lied- I had this week's batch of assignment submissions to read over, in addition to citing references on my thesis.

"You received the best ratings on the Tutor Evaluations," he began.

"Wow," I thought that my no-nonsense attitude would have gotten me negative ratings. Then again, maybe the college students wanted to be treated like adults, and not coddled.

"I have approved the acceptance of a transfer student from New Zealand," Professor Lim finally got to the crux of the conversation. "She completed her degree there but her family relocated here soon after."

"Okay," I was now confused about my role in this.

"What Miss Park needs is an insight into how the South Korean legal system works," he tried to smile convincingly. "Tutorials for this year are almost over so the staff and I have been thinking that you could spend the second half of your Master's Degree focusing on her only."

"I'll do it," I said firmly- there was less work to assess and less students to deal with.

"Thank you so much," the Dean nodded, my cue for leaving the office.

Miss Park was to arrive on the campus in a month, so I prioritised on the immediate tasks at hand. The tutorials wouldn't take long to mark against the assessment rubric given. My thesis was a different story- referring to every source material I had ever used in the 300+ pages in the acceptable manner was a daunting task.

The thought of seeing my boyfriend was the only thing sustaining me through this tedious task. Jongin was my ideal type personified; he was sexy, hard-working, and he made me laugh. We didn't get to see each other as often as we liked, his career as a ballet dancer taking him all over the world.

When he was in Seoul, we still had to cut their dates short because I had collapse-inducing amounts of work to go through. Nevertheless, we made the most of the times we shared together. He had given me two puppies over the years so I wouldn't miss him too much when he was away.

"Kai, Kuma," the pitter-patter of paws greeted me as I opened the door to my dorm. It was the final year of the girl currently staying with her. Once exams were over, I would have to find a replacement. It was more a question of safety than money- one always feels more secure with company than alone...

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