Chapter Two

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Sophie? where are you? Fitz transmitted

Oh! sorry, I'm coming.  I severd our connection and walked into the classroom.


"Sophie, please have a seat,"  Sir Terigan instructed as he set down another chair, and lifted a desk with telekenisis for keefe to write on. I sat down, Fitz was staring at me intently with his beatiful teal eyes, I looked right back into them. My heart flutterd, we sat there staring into eachothers eyes for what felt like hours. " Foster, Wonderboy! Come on, at least save the flirting for the sleepover!" Keefe said, waving his hand to get our attention. We both became very interested in our feet. I blushed a deep red, I snuck a glance at fitz who also looked like an overipe tomato, " Sorry." I mumbled.  "Okay enough of that,  let's begin the lesson, Fitz you can ask the questions first." Sir Terigan said.

                                                                                                                         Fitz POV

" Okay," I said as I entered Sophie's mind. God, why did she have to be so beatiful, with her wonderful blossom scented hair, and her perfect chocolate eyes, I could stare into them for eterity...

Um, Fitz? The lesson has started you know.  I jumped when sophies as sophie's vioce filled my head

Sorry! Okay question number one, are you ready?


Do you like somone in this room?(oubviosly other than Sir Terigan)

Ummm, I- yes.  My heart raced, what i she didn't like me, what is she liked him instead! I saw keefe write something down on sophies slip of paper.

What is one of the letters in your crushes name?

F.  Ugh! I had not thought about the fact the both Keefe and I had the letter F in our names. Keefe snickerd, I wonder if she had lied yet.

hahah! I had the best fourth question.

What?  Sophie asked, all of the color draining from her face.

Would you rather kiss Dex or Tam? I could tell by the look on Sophies face that she was extremly nervous, I wanted to lighted the mood with a funny question. She was proably scared that her big seceret would slip, but not as scared as me.

Fitz! Of course I would choose Tam, you know Dex is my cousin!  She laughed, her beatiful heartmelting laugh.

Hahah! I am evil, now for the last question. I wanted to ask her is she liked me but I needed to keep a light mood. Keefe wrote another word down on the paper. Wait, what if she liked Tam?!

Do y - you have a crush on Tam?  I was giong to pass out, what if she really does like him!

No. Know it is my turn!  She laughed obviosly trying to change the subject, but just as she started Terigan stopped her. " We will have to countinue next class, Keefe keep those papers in your locker and bring them back next time, I will see you all tomorow." Terigan said as he walked away.


(Time skip to when Sophie is at Havenfield after school) " Mom, Dad I'm home!" I yelled as I ran up stairs. "Okay honey!" Edaline called back " There is mallowmelt if you want some!" I quickly ran back down stairs when I heard the word Mallowmelt, Yum! " Oh yeah, Mom can I go to the Vackers for a weekend sleepover?" I asked as I shoved multiple pieces of mallomelt into my mouth at once. " sure honey! Have fun" Edaline replied smiling. " T- Thank-s!" I said between chewing. I ran back up the stairs and to my huge room. I grabbed my favorite purple backpack and stuffed it with a couple tunics, leggings, and pajams. Not bothering to pack anything to fancy knowing Biana would give me a full makeover. I picked up Ella and put her in the bckpacks front pocket. I slung the bag over my sholder and ran to the Leapmaster. "Everglen!" I called and the warm light sucked me away.

Thanks Everone for reading! I will try to update everyday if I can! Thank you so much for supporting me and this story, You are amazing. Don't forget to throw in that Vote, every one counts!

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