The Party of Eric Clapton

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So here's this. I was thinking one-shot with this. I think it's fine like it is, but I could also continue with it. Just let me know what you guys think I should do with this.

The day was dreary and damp. It had been raining most of the day and it was becoming increasingly hard to stay awake. It didn't help anyone that it was warm in the school room. Everyone of the pupils in the room was slowly dozing off. A few had in fact drifted off to sleep while several young men and women let their eyelids droop until they'd fallen asleep. I could barely keep my eyes open myself. I had to force myself not to lean on my desk, but to sit up straight and look alert. The class was almost over. If I could just last another ten minutes I could avoid detention and then maybe get home before the rain picked up too heavily again.

My History professor droned on boringly and I felt my eyelids drooping. Why couldn't he open a window? Maybe things would get a bit wet, but it would keep the students awake and I would be focused on the lesson rather than trying to stay awake. Of course he could try and be a little less boring.

Suddenly a loud slap echoed in the room and I sat up straighter in my seat, showing I wasn't asleep. I was alert and paying attention. A few people fell out of their chairs at the sound of three textbooks hitting the floor at the professor's feet. One girl actually ended up knocking her chair and her book off of her desk as she started awake. I refrained from laughing as she gathered her things off the floor and the lecture continued on as if nothing happened.

Finally the bell rang. I gathered my books together as the professor dealt out detention slips to those who'd fallen asleep in his class. There were very few who made it out without the little yellow slip. My mate Felicia was one with the slip.

"Ugh, that was brutal!" She grimaced looking at the slip in her hand as she walked out of the building with me. "I'm sorry, dahling, I can't go to that party with you tonight." I grimaced this time and she laughed. "I don't know what you're so worried about anyway. Eric Clapton invite you. He's famous!" This did not help.

"I know that, Felicia. Do you really think I don't know that?" I led the way to my little beat up car in the parking lot. I had met Eric Clapton while I was waiting for a train across town. He was trying to catch the same train and he sat next to me. I wasn't his biggest fan really, but I knew his music. I was actually more interested in one of his mates. Anyway, he thought I was nice enough and invited me to a party he was having at his home. I did not want to go alone. To be honest Eric Clapton gave me the creeps, and I didn't want to end up alone with him. So I invited Felicia, but then she decided to get detention. "WHat am I going to do now!?" I asked seriously. Felicia rolled her eyes as got into the car. She leaned into my window and gave me a pouty face.

"I'm sorry." She said, "Seriously, I want to go as much as the next guy, but..." She waved her detention slip at me and growled and started my car. Felicia laughed as I backed out of my spot and left her standing in the parking lot.

Now I was debating on whether I wanted to go to this party.

Why am I here? Who ever said I had to go? Felicia wasn't hear to keep me from being awkward and I didn't know anyone at this party. I was just sitting in my car trying to work up the nerve to go inside. I took in a deep breath, actually considering leaving.

A knock on my window scared me out of any thought. I looked out the window and found Eric Clapton smirking at me. I rolled my eyes and got out of the car.

"You made it then?" He asked. I always thought that was the most obvious thing to say, but I nodded along and smiled.

"Here I am!" I said giggling awkwardly. Eric offered me his arm and I took it without thinking.

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