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It's a cold, crisp Jaesday morning. I remember from school what the days of the week meant. Jaesday was the day when they celebrated the first baby for the 1st generation after the Palaces were built. His name was Jae, I remember being taught that the mother didn't approve of that name but the father did. And he shipped Jae off with him to Country 8. The mother was left behind to perish in the poorest country, Country 17. The richest country I remember was Country 4. Country 4 always gets attention from the next 5 richest countries. Country 9, 10, 28, 2, and 7. They always boasted about their grand Palaces, well at least the Royal Hub do. I guess the other people just live normal lives, in normal houses, with normal people. Unfortunately, I'm the 6th generation child in the Royal hub. Country 1. The most Private of all the Countries. Never lets information out, but always lets the other countries do the talking. My eyes get sore from looking into the fire for too long, realizing I had my hot coffee next to me, I take a nice, warm sip which easily flows through my throat. "Mum!" My sister demands. Our mum comes walking in. She has long, gray hair which is in a neat bun. Her crystal blue eyes shine upon us. And Her long, sapphire gown floats down to the ground softly. "Yes Polly?" My mum asks. "Mum." Polly repeats again "I want another coffee." Polly demands softly. "Diana, get your sister a hot chocolate. NOW!" She demands. "Bu-" I say but My mother cuts me off "DO IT NOW! And then your going to your doctor.." She lowers her voice as she says that. I'm so angry. I cant be bossed around like that. But I walk out the door anyway. I was so caught up with my emotions I didn't know where I was going. But my feet were leading me somewhere, somewhere I didn't know was there. My feet stop and I look around for my surroundings. I'm in a long tunnel. Could it be.... A secret passage? The tunnel stretched for as long as Our country to Country 37. My fear come over me and I swivel around and start running, running so fast I broke one of my soft, fluffy shoes. I throw off my dressing gown so I can run even faster. I eventually burst my way through the door at the end of the outstretched alleyway. I bump in the wall with a portrait of Polly on it. Smiling with her even, white teeth. Next to her is me, then behind us is our mother, Princess Jacueline. And our drunk father, Prince Ferdan. He has a little smug on his face as he hold a bottle of whiskey. Me and Polly don't see him much. Hes usually unconscious in the smoking room. He only wakes up when we have visitors, The Duchess of the Chesters and The Duke of the Chesters come over with their two daughters, Lilly and Veronica. They are the same age us us. They live really close to us, Country 2. Their Palace was built in the ancient city of Manchester. We were built in the city of Great Britain. "DIANA." My mum shouts. "DIANA WHERE IN THE HELL ARE YOU! YOUR LATE FOR THE DOCTOR!" My mum shrieks as she spots me sitting on the floor admiring the portrait. "Come on." My mum tugs at me. For some reason I let her drag me down the stairs and out in to the garden. I see beautiful roses just sprouting. I let my mind go and focus on the chillness of the air around me. So still. So quiet. 


I sit in the waiting room of the doctors. It's not like any old doctors appointment. Apparently my mum says I have something freakish in my body. Like I can sense anything or hear anything from Country 1 to 25. I don't believe her, but I do feel the presence of anything that surrounds me. Like air. Although I don't have control over it. I recognize- "Diana?" A thin, old man with lots of wrinkles calls for me. He has red eyes. Something I have never noticed before, but I stand with pride and walk in with him. The room feels spacious. With soft teddy bears and pink paint on the walls. Roses poke out of vases in every corner. Yellow, and red ones. I always feel nervous though, which makes my mum and the doctor say we need to go back there again. As usual, the first thing we do is do the self ritual. "So." the doctor starts "Lets do the ritual."  He looks with anticipation in my eyes, so I start. "I am Diana Saturn, I am 17, I have blue eyes, and I have a sister, Polly." I cringe at saying my sisters name with fake happiness. "Has  anything happened?" The doctor looks at my half-torn gown with dirt streaks on the other side. I look hideous!  I say to myself in my head. "Diana." The doctor looks with worried eyes. "I'm fine." I say sternly, cutting off what ever the doctor was going to say. I peer over his shoulder and see a portrait of him with his family. "It must be nice." I say. I turn around to see a puzzled look on the doctors face. "To live a normal life." I continue. "Not trapped in a big house with royalty." I know I must of said the wrong thing because the doctor got up and now is twice as tall as me. "You have a good life! You don't know what it must be like to live in a slump everyday. Just because I serve you doesn't mean I get to live in a mansion like you! You are a selfish girl. VERY SELFISH." The doctor yells at me with an angry look. I shrink to the ground crying. I hear the doorknob turn and to my suprise, my mum is crying, crying so bad that red stains have formed on her cheeks. "What have you done to her?" My mother cries, trying to get an explanation from the doctor. But with a long silence, we head out of the building and get onto the horse and carriage. I want to go far, far away from this place. My sobbing dies down as my mum pats me in the hair. "He will pay." My mum says reassuringly. I manage to paint a smile on my face as the carriage pulls up at the palace. Green, lush gardens with colourful roses in the front lawn. The palace is 5 stories high, with a pointy attic. The next thing I know, I'm in my bed. The lights are out. My eyes start to close slowly. Until finally, a helpless girl lays there.

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