The cold breeze danced around my face as I stood out in the open land. This new found autumn air was just what I needed after a long hot summer. Gloves on, thick jacket on, hat on. I was cozy as could be, no doubt about it.

  I looked around, the dead crippling trees and dried up grass blowing with the wind. Currently I am standing still, obviously, but in a crop field in the middle of nowhere. Or so I think, I'm not really this alarming? Was I kidnapped and placed in some random field? I don't know.

The more I take in my surroundings, the flat farm land, the more panic started to settle within my stomach. I felt sick. Maybe I just drank a little too much with my friends, or got high on something.

Clearly this was some sick joke. I could feel my cheeks sting and my eyes water as I held back tears. I had to find a way home, I have no clue where I am. I'm scared. I picked up my feet to walk, I could barely feel them, the cold settling inside of me. The wind sounded like it was shouting in my ears, demanding to know who I was.

I walked down the small hill I was on and towards a dirt road, the only land mark I could see. I stumbled and almost tripped a lot, my boots barely fit me. These weren't even my boots, I just realized. They were steel toe boots, probably a larger size in mens.

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