Berica Oneshot

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My favorite ship goes first. BERICA!!! 

Erica's POV

Wow, my ceiling looks great. I was looking at my ceiling because I was bored. Very bored. I found myself thinking, I wonder what Ben is doing right now. WTH!!! I shouldn't be thinking this way! I'm a spy I should not have feelings for anyone, but I do. I know what I'll do! Consult in Zoe, and why did I think that?! I know what I'll do. I'll go for a walk. It's not vet late and I could do for a break.

{ ring }

I looked at my phone. The only people that knew my phone number was Ben, Grandpa, and Mom.

Hey,  Erica! Zoe, Mike, Chip, Jawa, and me are playing truth or dare! Wanna join?

It was Ben. I inwardly groaned. T or D? Seriously? 


And I started to walk to.... well he didn't give me the location! Yaaaaayyyyy.


I walked into the room I thought they were in. Couldn't he have given me the location? When I opened the door I sighed in relief. It was the right room.

" hey! I didn't expect you to join us!", Ben said happily.

" well I did. Also, you couldn't have given me the location?"

"Erp... sorry", Ben motioned for me to sit next to him. Inside, I was exited and happy, but I tried not to show it. I slowly plopped myself down next to him.

"Ok, I'll go first", Jawa said, " Zoe, Truth or Dare"

"Dare", Jawa walked up to Zoe and whispered in her ear. " WHAT? Noooooo!!!"

"You have to!"

"Ok.... Erica Truth or Dare."

"Dare", I replied. I was kinda exited to see what dare I got.

"I dare you to go up to who you like, it can be anyone, and kiss them. On the lips."

"I don't like anyone"

Ben's POV

"I don't like anyone." My heart sank. She doesn't like me? I thought she liked me! I shouldn't have got my hopes up.

"Fine then, kiss who you like most in this group" Erica groaned, turned to me and pecked me on the cheek. Everyone looked at her like she was a ghost. I guess they never saw her kiss anyone.

"That doesn't count!", Zoe said with anger lacing her voice. I had no idea if she was surprised that Erica chose me or not. Wait, why is she angry? Is she upset because Erica chose me or because she didn't do the dare properly.

Erica's POV

OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG Zoe is daring me to kiss Ben! Well, not exactly, she is daring me to kiss who I like most in this room. It was still exiting though. It was as if alarms were going off inside of my head, but I couldn't show it on the outside because then everyone would know I loved him. So I pecked him on the cheek. Ben instantly turned tomatoe red and everyone looked at me as if they were seeing a ghost. Except for Zoe.

"That doesn't count!", She said. I looked at Ben to see if he was looking at me but instead his eyes were glazed with thoughts. 

"Hey, Ben. I'm supposed to kiss you, so get your stupid head out of the clouds." I whispered trying to shake him out of his thoughts.

"Oh, ok then", he replied. I bent down and kissed him wanting to get over it. His lips were slightly chapped but I didn't mind this time. I pulled away trying to make it looked like I didn't want to be there. 

The rest of the game went by quickly as I was immersed in my own thoughts, so when Chip announced that the game was over I barely heard. Barely.

TiMe SkIp CaUsE I cAn

I opened the handle to my door and fell on my bed. I looked at the clock and realized that only 30 minutes have passed. Wow, time flies . The last thing I saw before sleep was the Siamese kitten poster he gave me for my birthday. "I love you Ben", I murmured.

Hope you liked it! I will hopefully publish the next part in a few days.

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