Chapter 5: Realization

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'Original Self'

Understand that our original self is energy, and energy is consciousness. This infinite energy are not only within us, they are within all creatures, animals, plants, trees and all that there is, in universal oneness. You are the universe so try to relax in the moment.

Awakening, your spirit will be aware of your higher-self. You become a co-creator and aware that Earth is not your home. You realize that you are infinite, immortal, universal and loving source energy. Knowing that you are residing in a human body temporary, you will know that nothing really dies and that everything is energy that is constantly changing.

'Perceived Fear'

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'Perceived Fear'

Fear, it is not real, the only place that fear can exist, is in our thoughts of the future. It is a product of an imagination, causing us to fear things that isn't present and it may not even exist. That is near insanity, don't misunderstand me, danger is very real but fear is a choice.

Negative thoughts comes from fear and fear comes from the ego. To become an honorable human being, we need to defeat our ego. We need to understand that true victory is defeating negativity within us, we need to rejoice in our own effort of victory and not over the predicament of others.

If anyone instigate others to go against you because they hate you, it's not hate, it's their immaturity. They could be confused or distracted, but in difficult circumstances they need guidance. This is their conflict, they are distressed about their own circumstance. In this conflict, they are unable to listen to their conscience. The best way to solve this, is to try distract their conflicts so they can introspect, then will be able to recognize their desires and know their own capabilities.

In other situations, people sometimes like to run from difficult times instead of confronting the situation, some ignore till it gets worst. We can inspire others to confront situations but if we spoon-feed them with solutions to every problem, then they will never be competent. Sometimes, we can't do anything to help them, it is good to let others find their own way because the feeling of pain will always be their greatest teacher. As much as we love them, understand that it is them who is fighting against themselves.

Bullying, when others defame, insult , bully or humiliates you and wants to make life difficult for you, don't give in, don't stood low to their level, don't take revenge because this will cause nothing but more suffering, you won't achieve enlightenment when you are vengeful. This is not true ultimate joy. All the joy comes from helping others. Ignore them and stay on your high flying disk as much as possible and never react. You will find peace within you. You will realize that the bullies are the ones suffering from their who and they feed off peoples reactions.

Power, there is only one power no one can't take from you. That is the power to forgive, use that power to love, respect and honor yourself. You are a gift that is put on this universe, have no regrets, get to love unconditionally, to the point where you can forgive to forget the worst. Then you will find yourself never talking about your past and see it as a lesson to help you grow stronger and wiser.

Complainers will always feel short change and deprived and constantly become envious and bitter towards those who've been blessed with what is missing in their own life. Complaining always leads to anger. Complaining comes from the absence of the ego's demands. Complaining makes us feel like victims and it doesn't make anything go better, in fact, It doesn't solve problems, it attracts more problems and it's always finding faults. Don't find joy in the ego's nest, this is how it can control you and it will add more resistances to your life. Be mature enough to understand, to create opportunities, to change your predicament and to have wisdom. Complaining is like an insult to your highest-self, our highest-self only want us to be a better person and at peace.

 Complaining is like an insult to your highest-self, our highest-self only want us to be a better person and at peace

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'Greater Awareness'

Understand that every actions we do in our lives, try to remember that our guides and higher-self is always watching us with fascination. They are talking about us constantly and you will be amaze at the things they say. They find joy in close call meet-ups for love, career, accident, near death experience and so much more, they say things like:

Guides, "Ooooooh!!!, that was a close one!".... "Everything will be alright."...."We are proud of you."....."Wow!"....."Everything is always working out for you.".....etc

One thing our guides don't do, is they don't judge us. They look the other way when we do wrong and make trillion mistakes because they know that we came here knowing that it will be hard and that we will try to work things out. Its like teaching a baby how to walk, when he/she falls we don't yell with harsh words saying stand up you silly child. We acknowledge that he/she will need to find their balance before they can walk. The same goes for us humans, our higher-self and guides acknowledge that we are finding our own balance in life before we can walk in the right path. They will always support us because they love and adore us so much.

We made a deal to forget our past lives memories because we understood that the human brain cannot deal with so much in it's capacity. It was best to come here with our inner guidance. Also, we need to thank our emotions because they are our indicators in life and thanks to our ego, they are our contrast in life. Without opposites and paradoxes, life wouldn't be challenging enough for the growth of our soul.

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