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I impatiently wait for Orion to send the money. Three million is a lot.. but she's worth so much more. It's a no brainer. I could never prioritize money over her..
"Its gone through." He says and I let out a long breath.
I look over to the clock. It's almost five. She's going to be okay. I just need to go get her and make sure he didn't hurt her too bad.. but if he's there I will kill him.
"We need to go. I want you fully loaded because if that son of a bitch is there we're taking him out." I say.
"Yes sir." He nods, going to grab more ammo for his gun.
I walk out to the car, and Orion follows behind me in his car. I speed the long drive to the meeting spot, making it just on time at five fifteen. Just like he said.
The dirt flys up into the air behind my car and I come to a harsh stop, seeing the poor girl lying passed out on the ground. how many times did he drug her? I jump out of my car and run over to her.
"Aurie? Aurie come on, wake up." I say, pulling her up so she's laying up against me. "Please darling, I need you to wake up."
She's been beaten, cut, she even has red marks around her throat.. that asshole choked her. If he didn't threaten to kill her, I would have beat the life out of him, and enjoyed it.
Her eyes start to blink slightly, and she opens them. She scrambles to her feet quickly, moving away from me as she screams loudly.
"Aurie! It's okay! It's me! You're okay.." I say, grabbing her arms and pulling her into me, cradling her head in my hand.
She starts to cry, her hands clinging onto me tightly as she buries her head into my chest. He messed her up.. bad. She's so scared..
"He just kept hitting me, and using these blades.. and then he- he was holding the gun to my head. He was going to kill me." She cries and it makes my heart shatter into a million pieces.
"Everything is going to be okay now. We're going home, Come on." I say, Orion staying behind to scope things out and see if they come back with strict orders to end him if he does.
I walk her to my car, opening the door for her trembling body. She plays so tough and strong.. but she's still fragile. As much as she wants to run things here by herself, she needs someone looking out for her. Someone who can handle these things because obviously it's not safe for someone as vulnerable as her.
I hold her hand the whole drive home, and her shakiness slowly calms down. As we get to the house I see Eli, and the doctor waiting for us at the door.
"Come on, darling. You need to get checked out." I say, opening her door.
"I don't want to.." she says.
"I'll be right there, she might just need to do a few stitches it'll be okay." I try.
She sighs, taking my hand and getting out of the car. She runs to Eli, wrapping her arms around him tightly. I feel a little bad that Eli couldn't go with his injuries, I know how much he cares about her.
"Aurie we need to go check you out, okay?" The doctor says and she lets go of Eli.
"Okay." She nods.
They walk inside, and I follow behind, Eli stopping me for a second.
"Thanks for looking out for her." He says.
"Of course." I nod.

•Aurie's pov•
I breath deeply as the Doctor gives me stitches on the deep gash across my arm. I can't feel anything, but just the thought of a needle sewing into my arm gives me extreme anxiety.
I'm still shaken up from what happened.. all I wanted was to prove that I can do my job, that I'm just as tough as Haz, but I guess I'm not. I was too prideful, and it resulted in a situation that could have gone so much worse. I'm so lucky Haz realized something was wrong and figured out how to get me back.
"You're doin great darling, just a few more." Haz says, keeping sure that my eyes remain on him and not the needle. I can't stand doctors, I've always been terrified. I really don't like the idea of my life resting on someone else's hands, or giving control up to someone else.
"Oh god is it almost done?" I whine.
"Almost." The doctor says and Haz squeezes my free hand.
He is being so supportive right now, while I'm being an absolute baby. He could rub it in my face, say I told you so, get mad at me for what I did, but instead he's being a good friend.
The memory of last night pops into my mind again. His voice saying that he wants me.. that he sees what an amazing woman I am.. that I don't belong with anyone else. I still don't know if that was drunk talk, or the real him..
"All done." The doctor says, putting a bandage over the stitches.
"Everything else is okay?" Haz asks her.
"Yes, you'll be fine." She nods, gathering her things before leaving the room.
I stand up from my seat, wrapping my arms around Harrison's neck and squeezing him tightly. He laughs lightly, wrapping his arms around my waist.
"What's this for?" He asks.
"You got me out of there." I say, pulling away. "Don't get my wrong, I really didn't want that dick to get the money but.. I'm just happy to be here."
He smiles, hands still resting on my waist.
"I'd do anything for you, to keep you safe." He says.
The way his eyes softly rest their gaze on mine, making me fall into a daze of comfort. In this moment I start to think everything he said last night was true..
Then his eyes start to widen, shock written across his face.
"What is it?" I ask.
"Oh my god." He groans, hands covering his face.
"Haz, talk to me.. what's going on?" I ask.
He sighs, removing his hands from his face and looking at me with pure disappointment.
"I remember last night.."

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