The Deathly Hallows

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"The Resurrection Stone!" shrieked Ted in excitement about an hour later in the library. Suddenly, almost all of the people in the library turned to stare curiously. The librarian, Madam Pince, gave Ted a look. Ted ignored her and quickly turned his attention to Saphron. She held up a pile of books about the Deathly Hallows. 


She went through each of the books in the common room with Farren and Ray. Ray had dozed off as they had finally finished. Saphron and Farren woke him up, and went upstairs and Ray went to the boys' dormitories and she and Farren went to the girls' dormitories and started to change into there pajamas. They got into bed and started to talk about their next day and soon, drifted off to sleep. 


The next morning, Saphron woke up and the first thing she saw was that Farren's bed was empty. However, all of her other dorm mates including Lily and Rose just woke up. "Do you know where Farren is?" Saphron asked Rose who was in the same year as her. 

"Yeah, I saw her in the common room." she replied. Saphron made her bed and changed into a jumper, wrapped her Gryffindor scarf around her neck and headed down to the common room. There she found Farren who was looking as if she had been preparing for something all morning. She was wearing a twilight purple jumper, a pair of deep blue boots, a butterbeer cork necklace, radish earrings [much like her grandmother, Luna Lovegood], her Gryffindor scarf, and a Gryffindor winter hat.

 "Hello!" she said happily but still her usual dreamy voice. "Uh... what are you up to?" Saphron asked randomly. "Today's our first Hogsmeade weekend!" she squealed. Saphron froze, she had totally forgotten that today was the third year's first Hogsmeade weeked!

 "Oh Saphron, I'm so excited! I can't wait to go to The Three Broomsticks, Honeydukes, and Zonko's Joke Shop!" she said eagerly. 

Approximately two hours later, Farren and Saphron waited for Ray, as he was once again late. Soon, they met up with Ray and handed their forms to Professor McGonagall and joined the other students to go to Hogmeade. 


Saphron was first heading towards Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes with Farren and Ray. They spent about an hour exploring the busy and colorful place, and soon purchased Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder and Two Pygmy Puffs. "How's the business lately?" asked Farren to Ray. "Not as great when uncle Fred died according to uncle George." Ray said sadly. "Oh Ray, I'm so sorry!" Farren said. 

"It's ok. Anyway-" before he could finish, Farren had flung her arms around him. Saphron stared at them awkwardly as they broke apart quickly. "Aw... a couple! Well, you should be more decisive, pureblood! You shouldn't be with a blood-traitor like him!"Blaire said to Farren. "Let's head over to Honeydukes." Ray said with some tension to change the subject. They headed over to Honeydukes and got Berty Botts Every Flavor Beans, Chocolate Frogs, Licorice Wands, and Pumpkin Pasties. 

Soon, they got to The Three Broomsticks and got three butterbeers."Well, we still haven't found out about why the Resurrection Stone was in the great hall." Ray had groaned, but Farren had suddenly turned pale. "What is it, Loony?"said a voice. 

Everybody turned around, and saw Blaire and Goyle. Blaire was wearing a Slytherin scarf, Slytherin robes, boots with a silver and green serpent, was holding a mini Slytherin flag, and was wearing a wide sneer across her face as she puffed out her chest. "Go away!" Ray said angrily. "You should be ashamed that your blood-traitor, pureblood dad married a filthy mudblood!" she said, placing her hands on her hips. Ray looked insulted and was shaking in anger. "Oops! We will leave you alone, your majesty!" Blaire said in a sassy voice. She and Goyle walked away and sat at a table across the room. "What is it, Farren?"Saphron asked. "Quidditch Match is today!" she exclaimed.

Author's Note

Hey guys!  I hope you enjoyed my favorite chapter of this book so far! A new book is coming, so be sure to stay in tune! Here's today's QOTD:

What is your favorite book?

~Magic from~

~Liah Annalise~

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