Chapter 1

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Enjoy this chapter and smile okay? I am reminding you that you are beautiful and are loved I hope you smiled today, cause I love when your smiling- KJ

Welcome to Oaxin Mall, a old dingy mall in the middle of a forest not far from the city, it became home about 25 years ago, a group of homeless people gathered together and found this old broken down mall, the trees and vines covered it greatly, and with time and care it became a perfect home soon enough more people joined, it became a small community and family. There was plenty of space of course, each room became a small area people were assigned small groups to stay with, everyone here takes care of each other and watch over, with the cops out looking for the group of Outlaws.

"Ace!" Arleigh shouts over the loud gunshots, it was little past 8 and the girls where currently getting medicine and other things, since it is getting colder people are getting colds. Arleigh being skilled in the medical field offered to go get more supplies, but of course Ace and Slade went with. Why? Well incase this happened, right now there on the run from cops, the girls split up somewhere along the line and all that was heard was sirens and gunshots, the echoing of the ally ways made the noise louder making Arleigh believe they where behind her, she clutched the bag closer as she made her way down the dark roads the sirens grew distant as she sprinted through the old streets, she came to a small ghost town that's how she knew she was close to the mall, often times these houses became lookout post and homes to some of the runaways, it was quite large and no one ever comes here cause they believe it's actually haunted

"Oh fuck..." she mumbles sitting down near one of the buildings catching her breath, she set the bag down gently as to not break anything in the bag she stands up looking around, its nearly pitch black out, barely any light as the moon is hidden behind the clouds it was bound to rain tonight, she looked off towards the large city, she could see the faint colors of the sirens. She felt the anxiety and panic creep through her body what about her friends? Where they caught?? Or worse dead?! No, they can't be they where just behind her one second and the next they weren't. She just kept running she didn't want to be shot and if she stopped, she surely would have

"Woah Arleigh breathe calm down" Ace's voice snaps her from her intrusive thoughts as she runs straight to the girl pulling her into a hug, she notices Slade walking over

"Cops really get on my last nerves" Slade huffs before Arleigh is pulling her into a hug as well

"You okay Leigh?" Slade asked as they pulled away, besides the girls disheveled appearance and the start of tears in her eyes, the girl was way to excited to see them

"I thought something happened, one minute you were there then you were gone" Slade and Ace smile giving the girl another hug

"I decided to lead them away so you guys could get out of there but Ace followed to be sure I wouldn't get myself killed" Slade tells her with a laugh walking over and picking up the old bag from the steps as they made there way through the town, the crumbled broken house that where slowly being taken back by the forest around them, the road was nothing more then broken concrete and dirt, little flowers and grass growing on the patches of dirt

"Its gonna storm" Slade says pointing to the distance, you can see flashes of lightning as it lit up the dark sky, bolts streaking across the black clouds as thunder rumbled

"I hope the room doesn't flood... we lost so much food last time" Ace sighs the last storm that came through ended up flooding the room that kept all the food, luckily canned things survived but most things had to be tossed. No one is going to want soggy bread and cereal

"I might talk to Leon, maybe we can move the food to another room beforehand" Slade says, Leon is one of the leaders, the outlaws have 4 leaders who help run the place, they keep order and peace which is needed when you have over 50 kids in one building, fights happen a lot or someone wants more food and its just pure chaos. There is Leon, Carlos, Emma, and Harlow.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2020 ⏰

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