At Amir's apartment, Adam knocked on the door. Amir answered and poked his head out. "Can I help you" he asked. "Amir Dafallah? CPD. This is a search warrant" Adam said and handed him a piece of paper. "What is going on" Amir asked. "Why don't you step aside" Adam said. Amir moved and let us inside, and right away, I began searching the place. After searching a few places, I checked under a chair cushion, and there was a gun. "Adam, look what I found" I say and hold up the gun. "What caliber is it" Adam asked me. "A .38. Same caliber as the slugs pulled out of Tariq" I say. "That is not my gun" Amir said. "Any reason why the serial numbers are shaved off" I ask. "I swear to you, that is not my gun" Amir said. "Well, we're going to have to take you down to the station" Adam said.


"Ballistics came back. The gun found at Amir's is a 100% match. That gun shot Tariq" I say. "But" Voight asked. "But Amir said that he got on the bus after meeting Tariq. So we checked the bus pass that he swiped. He got on the westbound grand Avenue at 10:25 P.M" Jay said. "The shot spotter had shots fired at 10:34 P.M. Amir had already been on this bus for 9 minute, and he was 15 blocks away. Amir couldn't have shot Tariq. He was set up" I say.

"Okay, follow me on this. Tariq's wife says they were being followed. Let's assume they were. Let's assume somebody in Tuxhorn's camp found out Tariq's name. Once they knew that, they knew everything about him, including his best friend, Amir. On the first day of the trial, Amir gets fired from his job, and he gets a threatening call from INS. That sends him in a tailspin. He calls Tariq for help. Now, that's either one hell of a coincidence, or someone set Amir up. I called the restaurant where he worked at. They said they got an 'anonymous tip' that Amir had a record. Then I checked his phone for that call from INS, but it didn't come from INS. It came from a pay phone downtown. I know that's a lot of dominoes to fall, but never underestimate what someone with 100 million in the bank can pull off" Antonio said.

"We've got some information on Tuxhorn's older brother, Leo. Five major priors for possession. My guy in Narcotics told me that he's been an addict since prep school" Kevin said. "Yeah, and the data just came back from financial crimes. Leo just finished a two-month rehab stint at Serenity Wellness Retreat in Prescott, Arizona. He got out two weeks ago" Adam said. "Put a tail on Leo. Matter of fact, put a tail on every member of Tuxhorn's family" Voight said. Hey, that was Cooke's office. Oliver Tuxhorn just became available to talk" Erin said.

So it turns out that the Tuxhorns' lawyers paid a PI by the name of Jim Radovick. He was an ex-cop who "retired" because of some allegations against him. Al went to go see him, and he confessed to telling Leo, Oliver's brother, who the witness was. Now, Adam and I were sitting in a car watching him smoke. "Well, clearly rehab did not work for Leo" I say. Just then, a man walked up to Leo's car, and an exchange was made. "Hit it" I tell Adam. Adam turned on our sirens and we sped over to Leo's car. However, as soon as he saw us, he got out of his car and ran. 

Adam slammed the car to a stop, and I climbed out before chasing after Leo. Adam was hot on my heels when I managed to tackle Leo to the ground. "Spit it out, Leo" I say once I noticed that he had something in his mouth. Leo spit the packed out, and I turned around, placing it in Adam's hand. "I don't want to touch it" Adam said. "Well, you're already touching it" I say and handcuff Leo's hands behind his back. "I'd say you got a real problem here, Leo. You're such an addict, you don't toss the drugs when a couple cops are chasing you" Adam said.


"Hey, boss. We've got something here. Take it away there, Chris" Adam said. "Okay. So each and every Tuxhorn property has its own profit and loss statement and its own manager" Chris said. "With access to all associated accounts, right" Adam asked. "Yeah. Money comes in, money goes out regular, except this one property in Dubai. The place isn't even open yet, but it's showing profits of $100,000 a year, going back four years" Chris said. "Yeah, so it's clearly a shell. They've been dumping money" Adam said. "But a week ago, there's one large cash withdrawal of $300,000, and only one person could have pulled it out; the manager" Chris said. "Who's that" Jay asked. "Sloane Tuxhorn, Oliver's sister" Adam replied. 

"Well, that still doesn't help us, not if we can't link her and the money back to Oliver" Al said. "She's not on the visitor or call logs to the jail. She never emailed him. There's no proof they communicated" Antonio said. "Ah, well, maybe there is. That number, 300,000, that rang a bell, right? So I went back through Oliver's Facebook posts that he made while he was still in prison. He commented on a post that his sister Sloane made about his getting release, and I quote, 'wouldn't 300,000 likes be rad if that happened'" Adam read. "300,000, rad... Jim Radovick" Al realized. "Okay, when was this" Voight asked. "Two days before the murder" Adam replied. "It's not enough to charge her" Erin stated. "But it is enough to bluff her. Do we have eyes on her" Voight asked. "We do" Jay said. "Good. Get her ass in here" Voight said.

Sloane told us that she gave Radovick $300,000, but only to make him get Tariq to change his statement. She didn't tell Radovick to kill Tariq. So, Al went down to Radovick's office and arrested him. Because Oliver was also in on it, he was going away to prison too. The whole Tuxhorn family was a bunch of criminals, and it made me feel good that we were putting them away.

"All right, I'm heading out" I tell Adam. "You going to see Johnny" Adam asked. "Actually, I've got a huge family dinner tonight. Chloe and Noah are going to be there with Milo and Cara, and Ollie's coming as well. I couldn't miss it even if I wanted to. They would all come track me down" I say. "Okay. Have fun" Adam said. "Yeah. I will" I say.

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