He shook his head in response, while he wanted to hold her in his arms and tell her that she was far from a failure he couldn't put Luis down just yet, not until he was properly settled. He knew that Chloe would have days like this where her confidence in herself as a mother would take a dip but when those days came it didn't make it any easier to deal with. Life with a newborn could be stressful and until recently he'd almost forgotten that. "Don't be silly Chloe, you're not shit and you're certainly not failing him, you're doing great, you're a wonderful mother, Luis is just having a bad day that's all."

"Then how come you can always settle him when I can't? Because you know what you're doing, that's why." She turned away and moved to stand leaning over the sink.

"You can't compare...."

"I can Seb, you've already been through all this twice and I haven't. You know what you're doing and I haven't got a clue."

"You have to stop comparing yourself with me, you're his mother Chloe, you gave birth to him, you feed him, nurture him, care for him and love him like no one else can. Every baby is different and Luis is completely different to Mia and Leonie, we're both learning, neither of us are perfect but just know that this little boy thinks you're the best mother in the world and so do I."

"Then why will he stop crying for you and not for me?" She asked, turning back around to face him.

"I don't know, it's just of those mysteries of life I guess but please, you must stop comparing yourself and putting yourself down." He looked down at Luis who had almost gone quiet. "You know, I'm so happy to have you both here with me."

"And I'm happy to be here, believe it or not." She said, giving him a small smile. "Though I do worry about Luis keeping you awake at night, I'd hate for you to go into tomorrow's race feeling exhausted, especially in the heat out there."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine, the adrenaline keeps me fuelled on track and this little guy is worth all the sleepless nights." He could feel Luis' relaxing and hoped he'd started to fall asleep. "You're both here and that's all that matters to me."

"I can't believe he's falling asleep for you like that." She said gazing at their son who fought to keep his eyes open and yawned. "He's such a daddy's boy, anyone would think you've given birth to him, not me."

"Maybe I have the same mental age." Seb joked with a grin.

"Don't be daft, if he grows up with even half of your brains instead of mine I'll be well happy. I wish I could speak French and Italian as well as my own language, I'm still struggling with your's and I know that driving a Formula One car takes more than just an insane level of fitness. I love you for your intelligence as well as your fit, sexy body Mr Vettel."

He stepped closer to her and leant in to kiss her. "You're amazing, please never forget that."

Yet again his kiss made everything feel ok again and made the world outside fade into insignificance. How was it possible to love someone so deeply?

A quiet tapping on the door made them part their lips with Seb letting out a soft groan of annoyance that made Chloe smile and stroke his jawline briefly with her fingertips. A quick glance at Luis told her that, at last, he'd fallen asleep. "I'll see who it is." She whispered, tiptoeing past him towards the door. The second she'd opened it with her finger to her lips to warn their visitor to be quiet, her possessiveness over her husband kicked into gear. She did not want to see this woman.

"Hi." Viviana whispered, taking notice of the warning to be quiet. "I had a few minutes spare after quali, I just wanted to come and see the baby."

Chloe swallowed down the urge she had to say no and shut the door in the woman's face and instead forced herself to smile and step aside to let Viviana in.

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