30 : I Should Have Known

Start from the beginning

Today was parents career day.

That wouldn't be a bother since he didn't really mind his dad being away and he was going to take me instead. But why didn't he ask me? Was he scared? Was he ashamed to take me?

Wait, no Plagg this isn't about you!

The date. What's the date today. Why is it so special.

"Alya what's the date?" I asked in the midst of my brainstorm.

"Um, March fifth...why?"

"March fifth." I pondered and began searching through my head for the events that happened on March fifth.

Then it struck me. "Oh."

"What?" Alya said, looking up from her phone.

"Call Nino! Now!" I demanded her urgently. I can't believe I forgot! Fuck it is so obvious!

I just needed Nino to confirm it since he was back at home. If it really is what I think it is, I may know where Adrien is.

Alya hastily typed Nino's name and called him, putting him on speaker. I jumped on the spot, waiting for him to pick up.

"Come on Nino." I pleaded, like it was going to speed up the process.

"Hello?" Nino asked.

I grabbed Alya's phone. "Nino, where are you!?"

"Plagg? Why do you have Alya's ph-"


"Okay, I'm at the front entrance trying to get used to this crutches."

"Look to the table by the door!"

"Which one?"

"The one under Adrien's mom's portrait!"


"What's on it!?"

"Um, a rose?"

"Fuck!" I gave Alya her phone and ran off, ignoring her calls to stop. I wasn't going to take her with me, it was going to be a risky car ride but I'm willing to take it.

I closed the door of my car and stepped on the accelerator as soon as I could.


Of all places, this one was the one I was mostly hopeful about. Coming here took about two minutes, would have been six if I was driving at the required limit. But an emergency is an emergency.

I walked pass the many graves, careful not to step on any of them. Taking the familiar path even though it's been ages since I've been here.

I was never a big fan of cemeteries then again, who is. It wasn't long till I spotted the familiar head stone but no one in sight. My heart cracked. All the hope that had built up to this moment crashed and fell down to ruins.

Tears stung my eyes as I inched closer and closer to my late Aunt's grave. I fell to my knees and sobbed into my hands.

Embarrassed at my failure as Adrien's older cousin. My Uncle had trusted me with the safety of his only son, only for me to fail him. Now I'm here, pathetically crying in front of Aunt Emilie's grave.

"I-I'm sorry, A-Aunt...I lost him.." I stuttered out quietly trying to stop myself from losing control.

Something grabbed my shoulder, making me flinch and fall back. I looked back, expecting to see a zombie or something but it was Adrien. Looking at me with a confused look.

Was this the ghost of Adrien coming back to haunt me for all the shitty things I've done to him?

But ghost aren't capable of physical contact.

"Plagg...are you crying?" He smiled teasingly but it was more of an apologetic smile.

It felt like more tears broke free from my eyes. I pushed myself up and pulled him into a tight hug. I felt relieved. I felt happy.

"Thank heavens you're okay." I whispered trembling a bit as I did.

Adrien pat my back. "I'm sorry Plagg. I didn't mean to worry you so much. I'm sorry." He said sincerely. I felt his warm tears slide down my neck as he hugged me back.

Not matter how annoying he is, he will always be my precious cousin.


We finally stopped crying and were now sitting in front of Aunt Emilie's grave talking. Mostly about useless stuff and it felt like hours.

I found out that Adrien had gotten a reminder on his phone about his mother's death day. He made his way to the flower shop after I left and came here, sitting down by her gravestone and talking to her.

"Bud, you could have just told me." I said, looking at him. He cast his stare downwards with a frown evident on his face.

"I didn't know how and...it was so sudden I...I didn't know how to tell you." He said quietly, hugging his legs tighter to his chest.

I touched his shoulder to comfort him. "Bud, you know you can tell me anything."

"But you always tease me."

"Yeah, but that's my way of showing affection," I scratched my head when I realized how stupid that sounded. "But you should know that I always support you no matter what."

"Oh yeah, name one time." He challenged with a grumpy tone.

I smirked, "You and Marinette."

His head immediately snapped towards me. "What?"

"Why else would I start shipping you guys? It wasn't because of Alya and Nino's campaign to get you together. It was because I found out my little precious cousin had a crush on a girl. And honestly, the need to get you two together grew as the years went by because you still had a crush on Mari. So it was only fitting that I try and help my cousin get the lady his heart desires." I gave him a teasing smile once done with my confession. He, on the other hand, was shocked.

"Dude..." he uttered breathlessly. "I love you." Tears were welling in his eyes again.

I laughed softly and put a hand on his hair, ruffling it to soothe him. "I love you too, bud. Just don't make a habit of running away without telling people. You worried all of us."

"Um, Plagg."


"Didn't you just do that when you ditched Alya at the skating rink to come here?"

...oh. I should probably call them back to tell them I found him but my phone was in the car. It's probably spammed with a million messages and calls from Marinette, Alya, Nino and Tikki.

Whatever. I'm just glad I found Adrien.

This was a quite the emotional ride. I really wanted to give some light on Plagg and Adrien's relationship because come on, Plagg being Adrien's cousin is the best decision I've ever made and we all know that Plagg cares a ton about Adrien as careless as he may be. ^-^

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