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Ma: oh shoot
U: what
Ma: i forget my girlfriend is comming over in 2min
U: ightt then ima leaveee
Ma: noo waitt why do you not stayy she is a big fan
U: uhm maybe another time
I was walking around in jesery when i heard someone screaming my name omgg is that AH!!! Yeaa it was Alex guzmann my childhood friend he moved to new jesery since we were 10 yearss old since then we lose contact

A: y/n!!

U: omgg heyy alex!!

A: long time no see huh how are u?

U: ikr im fine hbu 

A: yess im doing greatt

We talked about our lives and gived eatchother our numbers
We both followed eatchother on social media but didnt text lmao

A: so what are u doing here

U: my dad is talking to someone now

A: thats greatt! I hope see is the one for him tho

U: so do i oh and she has a son my age

A: oohhh

U: nahhh first he is probally soon to be my stepbrother and he has a girlfriend

A: whats his name

U: uhmm mattia polibio i think yea

A: oh that boy has his whole damn life a crushh on you

U: how would u know that

A: i know him since i moved here and he never stop talking about you even when his girlfriend is around

U: oh bruhh

A: yeaa but n e waysss ima go text ya later

U: yess byeee
We kissed on the cheecks

I left to the house and saw my dad and that girl alreadyy kissing

U: ohhh uhmmm
D: oh shxt sorry
U: nahh its okay maybe its to soon but im happy for both of you
Mm: thankss honey
U: yea but treat him good pleasee
Mm: i will
D: i love u
Mm: i love u to
U: ight ima go

my stepbrothaa 💍Where stories live. Discover now