Drowned Heart

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Thump thump, thump thump, thump thump

Her heart beats softly, she treads carefully

Thump thump, thump thump, thump thump

What does he see in her?


What makes her different?

Thump thump, thump thump, thump thump

"It's better this way," he promised, "I won't be able to hurt you anymore, it's my fault."

His fault, not her's, his

But she doesn't believe him

She's drowning,

In love,

In hate,

In sorrow,

A knife covered in tears,

Thump thump

A heart broken, shattered, the remnants and loose pieces falling to the floor,

Thump thump

Mourning the time she had spent with him,

Thump thump

Mourning for the feel of his soft lips, brushing against her own

Thump thump,

Her heart beat softly as she submerged herself into the water,

Thump thump,

The knife's sharp edge glimmering in the pale moonlight

Thump thump, thump thump, thump-

She draws the knife across her throat, blood seeps into the water like a scarlet, silk sheet running from her throat.

Her eyes forever wet from the pain in her young heart.

Thump thump, she is the heart filled with hope, hope to one day find the one she loved.

Hope to end what she should have long ago.


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