"W-well I was looking for a nurse."

"She brought your clothes in the room when I arrived and told me to look for you, cus she had work to do."

"Ohh, um... thanks for finding me?"


We walked back to my room and I got dressed, while Mega waited outside.

After 5 minutes, I walked out ready.

"Shall we go?"


We walked out of the hospital to Mega's car.

"Where does Harvey live." Mega handed me the notebook.

"Uh, should I write down where he lives?"

Mega nodded and handed me a pen as well.

I scribbled down Harv's address.

I handed the book back to Mega and he nodded again.

It would be quite a long ride to Harvey's house since the hospital was a bit in the middle of nowhere.

The whole ride there was filled with nothing other than silence. It was an awkward silence. I looked at Mega every now and then.

Finally, we reached our destination.

We both got out of the car and walked to what we could only assume to be Harvey's apartment.

I rang the doorbell and we waited.

Suddenly we saw Harvey walk down the stairs to open the door.

He came down the stairs with a box stacked on top of another one his hands and a backpack.

He put the boxes down to open the door.

"Hi, it's nice to see you Zelk out of the hospital, and nice to meet you Mega!"

Mega and Harvey shook hands.

"Thank you so much man." I said genuinely grateful.

"It's nothing, I'm glad I was able to help."

"We should get going." I looked at Mega, who nodded.

"We will keep in touch?"

"Of course! Goodbye for now."

"Bye, drive safe!" He handed me the bag and a box.

I waved at Harvey, as Mega got the other box and we left to the car.

Once we stuffed everything in the trunk, we got in and Mega started the engine.

Mega POV

We are a good 3 hours into the ride and I decided to take a 5 min brake.

I pulled to the side of the road and got out to stretch my legs.

Zelk fell asleep a long time ago.

We have gone up the mountain and the view here is amazing. (I totally made that up)

It was noon and the sun was starting to set. The sky was a mixture of blue, light pink, gold, white and light blue. Under the sky lied a forest with tall, green trees. A dusty golden light covered everything in it, Making everything look hazel. It was truly beautiful.

I stayed admiring the view.

I looked back at Zelk sleeping.

Maybe I should wake him up, this is a once in a lifetime moment!

I knocked on the car window.

Zelk opened tiredly his eyes.

"Are we there yet?" He asked in a sleepy-ish tone.

Werewolves can love too - Zelkpvp (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now