till prison due us part

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Julie and Ben had been dating since high school. They have known each other since they were young.   She had a crush on him since day one. They went from  Friends to girls are icky back to friends eventually they started to date. In high school, they broke up a couple of times. They always went back together.  Julie came to believe that they were destined for each other.   
At first both sets of. parents believed there friendship then the relationship was a phase. It seemed that they were inseparable.
Julie applied for student aid for college.  Julie had learning disabilities. She had trouble reading. She had trouble with reading comprehension.she got good enough grades. She worked hard. She got extra help. She made it through high school. 
She was fiercely independent. she hated asking for help. She convinced herself that she could do this herself. She messed up some questions. She had no idea that she had done that. She sent the application back. She did not give it any thought.
She started to get concerned that she had not heard back. She had been accepted to college but without financial aid, she would probably not be able to go.  Ben had been accepted for financial aid.they had planned to go to the same college. They were looking forward to being in college together. It was looking like it might not happen.
One day she was at home. She wore a t-shirt and jean shorts and was barefoot. Her fingernails and toenails were painted.   She looked through the peephole was a police officer. She was surprised. The police had never come to the house before.
Her parents were a loving couple. There was not even a hint of a domestic disturbance.  Her two older brothers still lived at home. They did not drink or party. They did not raise havoc. Her younger siblings were not perfect but they were well behaved.
She had no idea why an officer was heard. She opened the lock.  She opened the door. 
"Hello officer," Julie said calmly. "Are you Julie beth Reese?" The officer said. "I have a warrant for your arrest," he said. She made a huge gulp. She started to shake. She felt light-headed. She tried to steady herself.  "You are under arrest for falsifying an application for financial aid, theft by deception, and mail fraud." He said.
He asked her to put her arms behind her back. She did so. He placed her hands in cuffs.  She was escorted to the police cruiser. her rights we're explained to her.
She was stunned. She felt her life was over. She tried to stay calm. She could not believe that this was happening.  She was brought to the local jail. She was fingerprinted. A mugshot was taken. She changed into an orange jumpsuit.
She called her parents. "Mom, it's Julie." She said, "honey where are you?" Her mom asked. "I am in jail," she said. She was a good kid. They never thought she would call them from the slammer. "What happened?" Her mom asked. "They say I committed fraud in my financial aid application," she said. 
She was told that she would have to stay the night in jail. She would not be arranged until the next day. She was taken to a holding cell.  She took off her shoes and sat in her bunk. She hoped that this would be over soon. 
Ben was worried. He had not heard anything form her. No phone calls, no.email no text, not instant messaging nothing. There were no new posts on social media. That was not like her. He was worried about her. He started to fear the worse.  He called her but it went to voice mail. 
The phone rang. He hoped it was her. It was her mom. He hit the answer button. "Hello, Mrs. Reese." He said. "Ben, Julie is in jail. Something about lying on a financial aid form.  She is going to be there tonight. She will be appearing in court.  " she said.
"How is she?" Ben asked. "She seemed discouraged but ok under the circumstances. She is still our Julie." She said.
Ben did not get much sleep that night.he was really worried about her. He.hoped that she was ok. She hoped that this would be cleared up soon. 
She fell asleep.she did not.sleep too bad. She showered and had breakfast. She was brought to the courthouse. She was brought outside the courtroom.
She saw her parents and ben in the courtroom. She was given bail. She was able to post bail. She met her lawyer.
"The district attorney is going to make the case that you purposely lied on the application. You attempted to deceive the application. We can present evidence of your learning visibility and reading comprehension but it is difficult to prove a negative.  It will be hard to convince a jury that you did not intend to deceive. The prosecution is going for the jugular. " the lawyer said.
"What am I going to do?" Julie asked."i spoke to the executive a.d.a on the case. The lowest she will is six years. "The lawyer said
She was stunned. " six years. "She said. " you won't be eligible for parole until four years. "The lawyer said. " we can go to trial." she said."you're looking at 12 years. "The lawyer said " I made a mistake. I was not trying to deceive anyone.  "She said.
" no one is going to believe you. Take the deal. "The lawyer said. She did not want to. She knew that the lawyer was probably right. She decided to take the deal.
" your pleading guilty?" Ben asked."yes, "she said." You did nothing wrong.  You made a mistake. You can convince them of that. "Ben said " I can't risk a longer sentence.  I could be out in four years. "She said. " I can't believe this. you don't belong in prison. Your the sweetest kindest person I know. "He said
" it will be ok ben. "She said. He hugged her. " this is so unfair. "Ben said. " I know. I will get through it "she said.
She had time before she was formally sentenced. She and ben spent as much time together as they could. She spent time with her parents and siblings. She tried to do the things she enjoyed. She and Ben had a picnic. They went out for ice cream.  
She never thought that instead of planning for college, she was planning to go to prison.  The time had arrived. They had diner the night before. they invited ben over.
He hugged and kissed her. The next night her parents drove her to the county jail. She spent a few weeks there and then she was taken to the state prison.   Her parents and ben visited her when she was in the county jail.
She had heard from him by letters. They talked on the phone. He heard for..him less and less. One day he came on visiting day. She wore the blue prison uniform. They sat down. He looked distant. 
" Jules, I can't do this. I can't put my life on hold for six years or even four. I think you got the raw deal. I am being a jerk, I just can't. 'Ben said."you're breaking up with me?" she asked. "I am so sorry." She said. She wanted to.cry. she feared that if she cried, the officers might end the visit. They might take away her visiting privileges or put her in a suicide watch. she did not cry.   
"You won't reconsider. I love you. I want to marry you. We can do what we want to do." She said."i am sorry I can't, "he said.
She waited until everyone was asleep. She sunk into her covers.she cried. Everything that could go wrong did.
Ben went to college. He started dating a young lady. He felt guilty at first. He did not like that at first. He felt like she should have asked for help before she filled out the application. She should gave forced to trial. She showed have fought to stay out of prison. She did not. He felt like she made her bed and would now have yo to lie in it.
He started dating anna full time. He asked her to be her girlfriend. She agreed. He was happy. He did think about Julie. 
Julie tried to make the best of things. She would get though this.
This is a work of fiction and fantasy. This does not reflect reality.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2020 ⏰

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