Rounak was flabbergasted and, his eyes grew wide and he choked with the tea badly when Vijaya Mausi's words sank fully.

Rupali passed him a tissue and Niladri soothed him the next moment. Vinita only laughed at this and Vijaya nodded with those pearly whites still on display. 

"Yea-yeahh! I mean ...yes I can go with her. And No. No, I don't need any sort of help from you two. "

His Mausi and his sister has a unique way of embarrassing him.

She might have already said a NO to him internally. The way she had been silent from the start.

For some odd reason, he liked her attitude this evening.

Rupali upped Sumita's chin, clutched her cold fingers in between her warm ones and then urged, " Go and talk with him, Beta."

She kissed Sumita's forehead and slowly Sumita just felt the soft vibration of love wash all over her. 

Sumita cannot let them down. No.  Like Everytime. Yes. And she walked away with a resolution.

Sumita as usual took him towards the grilled Verandah. And he complied with after receiving a thumps up from Vinita.

Sumita didn't want to waste anyone's time and as usual she started to narrate about her. He was a keen listener. Once she reached the point of her marriage with Saurabh, she took a deep breath and said.

" I think you should know my past before agreeing." Mita's voice was louder than a whisper but it was sharp and straight like a ruler.

She was sure now he would find the key to reject her. This wouldn't sadden her. No. She would on the other hand be relieved from this abnormal meeting she was forced to be in.

"And I know. Precisely, I know everything." Rounak proclaimed leaning on the pillar. His eyes noting all details of the woman before him.

The woman surprisingly is making him curious with her behaviour. The other girls on his marriage proposal list seemed eager to blush and nod affirmatively at every word. Be it their life goals, his income, their future residence and his working hours..... till he mentioned about  London. Denial was easy and quick on his part. It was all very calculated on his part.

And here she was trying tooth and nail to make him say no to this proposal, even before learning about him at all.

He hadn't started to talk about him. And looks like she was trying it to be a NO from his side with all her might.
Would London add any cherry to this rejection ? He grimly smiled at this irony.

Strange !

She was actually surprised in his indifference even after knowing all about her. While the other men ran away after listening the first one-two words, here he remained with her till her last word. And what scared her more was his attitude to this situation. Which definitely wasn't making sense at all.

First his family. Then the meeting between her and his family. And now him. Everything was so not normal at all.

"Then, why aren't you saying no?" Annoyed she asked the brutal question.

Just say No and wrap this up !!

"Because I don't want to. And before you ask me to straightaway disagree to everyone waiting outside eagerly for a simple yes, I ask you to reconsider about this proposal. Try to see from another angle and you shall have your answer."

Saying this Rounak confidently walked out from the balcony, but not before taking a glimpse of the tensed figure beside the verandha railing. She was an angry and confused beauty.

He hadn't let a word about him out and this lady was already rejecting him. What's worse was that the reasons she wanted him to reject her for ! When he himself accepted them to come here tonight.

Shaking his head he walked away from this unusual woman.

Puzzled at his nonchalant and reckless act, Mita stood still listening the door of the balcony shutting close after him.

He didn't say NO.

Neither his expression gave any indication of him being distantly irked of this match.

On the contrary his attitude conveyed the opposite.

Was he considering to think about this match ?

What would he say outside now ?

What was she supposed to say them all ?

The strong waves of questions has stuck her hard and her body only drowned inside them.

Saurabh ? 

He-Help me !!

I don't know what to do.

I can't leave you, you know !

I can't leave them !

Then what ?

What am I to do ??

She sought while grabbing the Verandah railing tightly.

The cool breeze passing by her left a sense of calmness trail down her forehead. The distant pitter patter sang a lullaby smoothing her worried forehead. 

The nature becomes an ally of someone close in sending a message when the very person is incapable of. And Saurabh again proved her that he was with her. Always.


Finally !

The much awaited meeting between these two.

Hope, I have done justice to your patience and time.

Kindly hit the star if you liked this chapter. Also, I'm all ears to know your suggestions and queries. Kindly leave them in the comments below.

Thank you for giving me your time and wish you a wonderful day ahead.

See you soon 😘!

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