Jabez knocked her out with a makiwara punch, then opened a portal to their world and went off. He wrapped arteries and veins around the female, carrying her across the streets of Tokyo.

"Ajinomoto? Ajinomoto?" CC in her base was trying to contact her but nothing. " He's probably taking her to Omit. I'll go after him." Lehm stood up from where she sat behind CC's desk.
"How did you know that?" Cecaniah lifted a brow.
Lehm walked to the door, whirling her head to her. "Because... I'm just that good." Lehm smirked as she went off.

Lehm strides building to building, following the faint heartbeats of Ajinomoto. She saw Jabez hang her at the ledge, then she throws a superman punch knocking him back.
The forgotten alikes back him up.
"You really think those guys can stop me Jabez? I've seen what they can do to your sister. You've seen what I can do to you." Lehm pointed out the facts.

"Take her out." Jabez shoulders Ajinomoto, zooming into the distance.
Lehm throws a makiwara punch to the first forgotten alike that steps up, knocking it to the ground.
She drove her hand through the next one then throws a bent wrist strike to their neck, dropping it to the ground.

"Jabez must think you're a worthy opponent. He hasn't even used his personal dungeon on you." The third forgotten alike said.
"Yeah? Wanna bet? I have strength nearly as comparable as Gaia's. I had to do alot of improvements." Lehm said, then she throws a front kick to the fourth one knocking it back. She was preoccupied with those forgotten alikes.

Jabez entered through the window of the villains' secret territory.
"Dear! I told you to reunite with those two!" Omit stomped towards him.
"Aah'm fine. We have a hostage anyway." He gestured to Ajinomoto who was barely conscious.
"Ah, well, let's take her to the same prison we put Death in." Omit was impressed by his work then they vanished.


Ajinomoto woke up sitting in a chamber among the two.
"The hell? Why am I with the man who cheated and the woman who got rejected?" Ajinomoto rubbed the back of her head.
"Hey!" Yancy barked.
"Hey yourself, reject." Ajinomoto replied as Yancy stood up and marched to her.
"Calm down, Yancy. We might have a way out of this place the more allies we gather." Death swept an arm to Ajinomoto.
"How the hell can she help?" Yancy throws her index finger at the other.
"If I am correct, Cecaniah has placed an omni tracker or a device that allows one to track anything even if it exists outside of omniscience." Death replied to her.

Then they turned to where footsteps sounded, descending the spiral staircase to their holding cell.
"Cecaniah. I think I've found something." Eris pressed an index finger to her communicator.
"What'd you find?"
"Death, Yancy, and Ajinimoto have been held captive by an odd chamber. Looks like Momoyo's prison." Eris said to her leader.

"Yes, frankly. I'm like standing infront of you." Yancy placed open palms to the walls of her confinement.
"How do I open this cell?" Eris contacted Cecaniah.
"Not sure. I'll need to discuss matters with Amado and Jin about that chamber." Cecaniah replied.
Then Eris disappeared.
"So much for hope!" Yancy threw her hands into the air.
"Shut up. They'll think of something. They're legends." Ajinomoto lets out a sigh.

Johnson followed Jabez to the chapel rooftops.
"You called, what do you want from me?" Johnson asked Jabez.
"To get you a mortician." Jabez replied to the other.

"Crap!" Johnson ran to the opposite side as he placed an index finger to his temple.
"Oriel! Sister-in-law! Help us out!!" Johnson exclaimed, he never saw Jabez so determined to wipe him out of the picture once and for all.
Jabez throws a jumping round kick to his temple, knocking him to the pavement below. "Aah'm sick of you, you annoy me. Aah think its time to put you out of the picture!" Jabez exclaimed.

Behind him -- redhead appeared behind him tugging his arms preventing him fron attacking.
"Someone take her out!" Inferno and Misery commanded infected Jin Empirium agents. Jabez was utterly still.
A piece. A piece of his soul flickered in those blue eyes.
He transported Johnson and Oriel to his personal dungeon, where they would be safer.
Jabez crashed to his knees, a hand on his head as his tendrils flowed snow and his eyes gleamed galaxy blue.

"That only helped temporarily. Ged ta safety." He opened a portal to their world as the effects of Omit's control conquered him once again.
Oriel kissed him on the lips before running, tears crawled down her cheeks as she watched him turn into that psychopath once again.

He barely remembered what he did, perhaps the powers of Omit did that.
Then he returned to his realm, at the moment he returned -- on the rooftops of Shinjuku. He stumbled upon Apurus.
"Jabez. We have alot to talk about." Apurus extended her hand towards him.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" Danger signals flooded his mind, he ran away from the other.
Apurus watched her son run to the opposite side, golden tears crawled down her cheeks. "You don't recognize your mother?" She said faintly.

Rethaf appeared on the ledge before the other. "Aww, sis is hurt that her own child didn't recognize her! I gotta give Omit the credit, she has such skill--" Rethaf was tackled by his sister to the streets.
"SHUT UP!" Now those two started hell in the streets.

"The news just started." Chance opened up the news in the fifth building of their HQ... he was terrified. He saw Apurus and Rethaf battling each other.
"HE'S MY SON! I WON'T GIVE UP ON HIM!" Apurus replied.

"We need to undo this stat! We're in huge trouble if they're trying to kill each other!" Cecaniah exclaimed as she ran out to the exit.

A mother's rage spoke many languages even if they were in deathly silence.
Jabez met up with the villains once again, in the streets of Tokyo with Jape and Omit. "Apurus tried to kill me." Jabez said tightly.
"Good. You ran at least you knew the danger." Omit smirked.
"Who do you think your mother is, Jabez?" Omit added.
"Aah don't think. Aah know it's murdercia." Jabez replied as Jape shot her a look.
"Sheesh." He didn't even make a comment.
Some knew about the story about Apurus...
Some didn't.

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