Chapter 5

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Jackson peeped through the open door, just to see his fiancee making out with another guy. Jackson angrily walked away clutching his hand. In about two hours, Andy returned back to the bar attending to people when Jackson walked towards him flicking his nose.
"Hey. It seems like I have met you before",Jackson said dropping his hand on the table before him.
"People always say that. Maybe I look like someone you know".
"Yes. Can I talk to you outside the bar for a minute?"
"Yes",Andy replied.
They went outside a little bit far from the bar. Jackson forcefully grabbed Andy by the collar against the wall.
"Next time I see you around her"
"Kate. I will make sure I ruin your life",Jackson said angrily. He let hold of Andy and walked away furiously. Andy went to the noble's court to check on Kate when he was done in the bar after which he went back to his family quarter.
It was a lovely day,Jackson dashed into the library were Andy and Kate are.
"I told you to stay away from her!",Jackson angrily said as he tossed Andy on the ground and gave him a stunning punch which left him bleeding.
Andy regained his stamina as he clogged every fist coming from Jackson and grappled him to the ground. Lord Tunner learns of Andy perfidy, he went into the library with security guards and ordered them to hang him.
"You ungrateful boy after all I have done for you,. You still want to take my daughter. Seize him!",Lord Tunner commanded.
On their way to the execution chamber, Kate demanded to have a last moment with him. The security guards which held Andy left him giving them a little space. Kate held his hand gently, peering into his eyes with tears on her eyes.
"Don't look at me like that it makes me nervous"
"Why do people always get hurt loving me?",Kate said sobbing bitterly. Andy embraced her softly.
"Don't cry too much. I just want you to know.... I will always be by your side",he whispered into her ear.
Now the echo of her cry was getting louder. Andy kissed her right in front of a love symbol curved on the metal surface of the aircraft and the landing alarm warning of the aircraft was triggered

Please vote and follow. Your comments will be useful.settings and scenes are from my imagination.Do not Republish anywhere. Love u guys.

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