''How're you feeling, Luke? I haven't really got to ask you even though we've been next to each other all day''

Most of their friends, particularly, Darby, Riley's best girl friend and Zay, Lucas's childhood best friend other than Riley, zone in on the conversation.

''I'm doing alright, I just want to get through this day without people staring at me more than they already have been. It's like nobody at this school has anything to pay attention to other than meaningless rumors.''

Riley grazes her fingers through Lucas's hair in an effort to calm him down, kissing his cheek for an extra measure of security. 

''I'm sure it's just meaningless gossip, don't worry about it though. These low lifes will find something else to focus their attention on by tomorrow morning. You guys just need to relax and stop caring so much about other people's opinions so much. Besides, we probably won't see these people in a few years anyways''

His pessimistic personality is nothing new to anyone. Seemingly obvious of why Riley has said what she just did. Riley, herself, is placing herself in a bubble where she's pretending that nobody else exists except her friend group. She just doesn't wanna deal with everyone right now.

''She's right, Luke. As long as you have us bugging you at your every move nothing is going to happen to you.''

Riley kisses his cheek, sitting as closely as possible to him. She's thankful for Josh's reassuring nature. Leaning into Lucas's ear to ensure that he is the only one that can hear her whisper.

"Do you wanna go back to the library? Cause I'm feeling a little overwhelmed being in here right now."

He nods his head, relieved that she feels the same way that he is. To begin with, he didn't want to worry her or become a burden. So he's feels like he is lucky to have someone right beside him who understands what he is going through.

12:34pm - John Adams High School Lunchroom

''Hey Riley...''

Her blood boils inside of her at the sound of a specific voice. Her fingers curling into a ball in preperation to throw a punch.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

His signature smirk is so smug that she can't help but want to slap that expression off of his face.

"Did you not learn from the hospital that you put me in or the restraining order that filed against you to stay away from me? I don't want to see you ever again''

She's doing everything in her power to not punch the boy standing in front of her in the face.

"Sweetheart, don't you think that you've been holding a grudge against me for too long now"

She rolls her eyes at him as he clearly tries to hit on her in front of the majority of their school and failing miserably.

"A grudge? Do you not think that our entire relationship is proof enough that I should be allowed to hold a grudge? But I'm not going to do that because you know what? I have higher values and morals than you do. So I'm going to leave this conversation before it turns into something I might regret"

She attempts to brush him off and calmly walk away from the conversation but her ex clearly has other intentions.

"Don't you think I should just be able to check up on the girl who is carrying my child?''

Everyone glances towards the brunette who is currently as pale as a ghost as if the life has been drained out of her.

"Riley, what is he talking about?''

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