Arachnid x Megatron

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Me and Moon_Prime : hi

Everyone: hi

Moon_Prime: can you all guess who we have Shipped? 

Everyone: tell us

Me: we have shipped Arachnid 

Moon_Prime: and Megatron 

Megatron: WHAT 

Arachnid: you can't ship me with Megatron 

Me: yes we can

Megatron: who's idea was it to ship me with Arachnid? 

Moon_Prime: it was my idea 

Megatron: i guess I can let you live 

Arachnid: Megatron you never let anyone who makes you angry live 

Megatron: your right. Get her! 

Me: you should run

Moon_Prime: * starts running * start the vote without me

Me: time for the vote arcee? 

Arcee: yes

Me: shockwave? 

Shockwave: illogical 

Me: i will take that as a no. Everyone? 

Everyone: no

6 minutes later 

Me: * looks at starscream * have you seen Moon_Prime? 

Starscream: no

Megatron and Arachnid: * come in to the room*

Me: what did you do?

Arachnid: she will never ship me with Megatron again 

Megatron: * looks happy * 

Me: * runs *

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