Chapter 2

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"So," Cole says. "What do you like to do?"

"Me," I ask, thinking about other stuff and not really paying attention.

"No. I was talking to the bird," he sarcastically says, rolling his eyes as he points to the lone raven black bird soaring through the air, flapping its large wings.

"Haha," I roll my eyes.

"What's the matter?" he grabs my shoulders and turns me to face him.

"Nothing," I lie as I stare at the ground, purposely avoiding eye contact.

"Your lying," he calls me out.

"How do you know?" I ask, finally lifting my head up to stare at him.

"Well," he says. "When you lie your voice goes higher and you bite you lip. You did it last time when you told me that you liked the new house better. Now tell me what's wrong."

"It's just," I sigh, bringing my head to the side. "It's just that I wasn't really happy about moving. I liked my old house. Now I have to go to a new school and make new friends and believe it or not...I wasn't popular and had trouble finding new friends. Now I have to start all over again."

"Well you have me," he points out and I smile a small grin.

"Yeah. I do." I pull him into a hug and he grins.

When we pull apart, Cole speaks. "Hey look. It's the creek."

"We have a creek," my voice comes out quiet and confused.

"Yeah. Come on." He grabs my arm and yanks me to the water, practically dragging me all the way.

When we reach the water, I stop, taking in the amazing view. The wind blows slightly and causes the water to ripple. Tall weeds surround the water and mosquitoes fly around.

"Let's get in," Cole suggests as we walk to the deeper part of the creek.

"No. I'm fine," I assure him, shaking my head.

"Come on," he urges me, yanking me close to the edge and I let out a laugh. "Please," he begs me with puppy dog eyes.

"No," I say, trying to resist the urge of his large green eyes.

"Fine. I will go in by myself." He turns and jumps into the water, fully clothed.
He resurfaces a few seconds later, shaking out his wet hair. "It feels good in the water."

"So," I say.

"At least put your ankles in," he suggests.

"Fine," I give up trying to argue with him and sit on the edge, dipping my ankles in the water. The cool water laps over my ankles, cooling them.

I close my eyes, relaxing with the sun beating on my back, when I hear movement in the water. I open my eyes, but it's to late. Cole pulls me into the water and I let out a shriek before I go down under. When I resurface, I find Cole laughing. I splash water at him, which splatters across his face and his smile vanishes.

"Oh you will pay for that," he warns. He starts toward me, his pace fast even with the current against him.

I start racing through the water, but he's faster. He grabs my arms, pulling them to my side and then pushes me under the water, keeping me under for a few seconds and then letting me up.

When I come up, he's laughing again. I spit some water at him and grins a boyish smile.

"Do you wanna go back under?" he asks arching one eyebrow at me.

"No." I shake my head. "I'm fine."

For a while we just stand in the water, chatting about random stuff. Finally sunset arrives, the yellow, orange, and red filling the large sky.

"I guess we should get back," I complain, not wanting to leave.

"Yeah." he agrees. "We should do this again sometime. It was a lot of fun hanging out with you."

"Yeah." I exclaim, squeezing water out of my hair and clothes. "I had a lot of fun too."

When I am finished wringing water out of my soaking clothes, I am partially dry. I slip on my shoes and we head back, walking along our private road.

When the house is in view, Cole smiles and exclaims, "I should probably head back to my house."

"Where do you live?" I question, gazing at him.

"Just off your road. When your road ends and you exit the gate, you take a right and it's the light yellow house with white shutters."

"Oh. That's cool. We should hang out again sometime." I smile.

"Yeah. I'd like that," he states and then says goodbye. I watch as he starts walking down the road until I can't see him again.

I stride up the driveway and open the door. The cool air inside hits me and I shiver. Paisley and Hallie sit on the leather couch, watching television. Dad is plopped in the recliner, scanning over a magazine and drinking some water.

"There you are," Mom speaks as she ambles down the white metal stairs, her heels clinking with each step she takes. "Where were you?" she asks, her voice sweet and friendly.

"I was hanging out with Cole, the gardener's son," I explain.

I shiver again and some water drips on the floor. "Why are you wet?" Dad questions, setting his magazine aside.

"We were swimming in the creek."

"Well go take a shower," Mom commands. "You are dripping water on the floor.

"Sorry," I apologize as I run upstairs and to my room, grabbing my pajamas, which is just short black shorts and a soft oversized blue shirt, out of my dresser and then disappearing into the large bathroom.

The hot water feels great as it pounds on my skin, making it a light pink. I quickly shampoo and condition my hair and then turn the knob, stopping the water. I dry off, change, and head back downstairs and into the kitchen, grabbing some leftovers and heating them up in the microwave. I scarf down the food hungrily and then head back upstairs and into my room.

It's weird not being in my old room, which I was so comfortable in. I cross the room and climb into my bed, pulling the comforter over my body. It's warm and smells like detergent and my old home. I miss it so much. Thinking about my old home and old life, I slowly drift asleep.

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