"Thank you Sir." He bowed his head in a respectful gesture towards the white haired man. "I left the coin with your lady."

"She's-" Geralt cut himself off, "Yes, she told me. We will be on our way now but we are grateful for all you have offered us."

"Safe travels Witcher." Edwin wished Geralt goodbye.


Rinde was a rather understated city, especially compared to Oxenfurt. The streets were oddly quiet as their horses trotted into the town towards the nearest stables. Geralt had finally informed Jaskier on the entirety of Elizabeth's unique situation on the last stretch of the ride. The group's first stop would be the inn to secure lodgings and ask around about the mage they had been hearing about. They hoped that he was still in town after they took so long to arrive.

"Two rooms." Geralt said to the innkeeper, and do you know anything about the whereabouts of a mage that has been reported in town?"

The man handed the Witcher two keys in exchange for coin, he then wrinkled his nose in an amusing show of disgust. "Damn witch was refusing to pay the spell taxes, she was trying to run some kind of side business out of my tavern!" He talked with his hands in an animated fashion, he was clearly not a fan of this "witch." "Last I heard she had some kind of spell on the Mayor, he hasn't left his house in days and the authorities can't arrest her under his protection."

Geralt nodded and thanked the man for the information, handing Jaskier one of the keys and pocketing the other. Elizabeth was excited but there was a nervous fluttering in her stomach as well. Magic was such a far out concept to her and she still had not grasped it. While the mage in question did not sound like the helping type, Elizabeth trusted that Geralt had some kind of plan in order to get her assistance.

"Stay here Jaskier."Geralt ordered the bard.

"Oh no, no, no." He protested, "You're embarking on the first major leg of this mystical adventure into magic unknown in order to save our fair lady Elizabeth and you want me to stay?"

"Fine. Just be quiet." the Witcher relented and the three made their way to the Mayor's home.

It was a large stone building much more lavish than the rest of its surroundings, it had multiple floors and was guarded by two men at the door. They stood at attention, facing straight ahead, poised to protect against danger.

"State your business." The guard on the right boomed in an authoritative tone.

"We wish to speak to the mage." Geralt informed them.

"We are not to allow anyone in unless invited." The guard on the left said.

"What about if I..." Geralt pulled out his coin pouch and acted as if he was going to propose a bribe. Instead the guard on the right received an echoing blow to the temple with said pouch and the guard on the left received a knee in the gut and a headbutt, courtesy of the Witcher.

"Money opens all doors." Geralt said, returning the pouch to his belt and holding the door open for Elizabeth and Jaskier to enter.

"Are you sure that was necessary?" Elizabeth asked in a harsh whisper, still unsure about just walking in unannounced. Geralt only shrugged and let the door shut behind them, the trio turned to see something Elizabeth could have gone her whole life without. Before them stood a pudgy middle aged man naked as the day he was born holding a pitcher and high as a kite.

"Oh hello..." He slurred with a strange, sleepy smile. "Welcome to my home."

Geralt moved in front of Elizabeth instinctively, not liking how this was going from the start. "Where is the mage?" He demanded.

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