Bad times or good times?

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I heard a thick british accent. I turned around to see that it was Liam Payne.


I stood there, not saying anything, looking at him with a confused expression on my face. I finally broke the silence by saying "Aren't you supposed to be preforming?" He let out a short chuckle and said "We had a break due to microphone complications." I then asked another question, "Why did you decide to come out here?" He replied "Eh I don't know I just wanted some fresh air." He said another thing quickly "You ask a lot of questions." He laughed. Before I could say something he said "The real question is why are you out here looking so frustrated and sad?" I didn't think my facial expression showed that I was pissed. I explained the whole thing within five minutes. A look of pity appeared on his face. "I should get home.. Oh wait I have no car or cell phone reception." He looked at me and said "You can't go home now, especially going all you went through and you are going to just go home?" Before I could say anything he wrapped his arm around my neck and pulled me inside. 

Okay, so one thing good just happened to me. Actually, something amazing! I mentally squealed in my mind. Did this mean I was going to meet Harry? I tried to hide my excitement in. After another hour of the concert it was over. The boys were allowed to do anything they wanted. I saw Harry walk off the stage. As I was walking towards him, he got a call. I managed to make some words out from his conversation. "Okay I'll be there soon, don't worry." Next thing I know he rushed off the stage into the parking lot. I didn't know what to do. I lost my chance of meeting Harry. As I was about to go outside, I felt an explosion of water hit me. I looked over to my left and saw that Louis and Niall were giggling. I grabbed two water balloons and threw it at them. 

After a while of having a water balloon fight we stopped. I stood there shivering thinking about how I would get home. I got up and felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and it was Liam holding out a jacket. I took it and said "Thank you." He then told me he would take me home. I agreed and that was the last thing I remember before passing out in his car. 

Hey guys it's kind of a short chapter. Next chapter will most likely be up tomorrow! Thanks for reading ❤️

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