Chapter 1

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Dating is hard enough without being non-corporeal.

Holding hands. Kissing. Other stuff. In fact, there hasn't been any other stuff in, oh, six months? And for me, that's reaching a drought of epic proportions. Like, world-ending crisis.

But tonight, fingers and toes and everything else crossed, my suffering will be over. That's the plan at least. Rain, baby, rain.

Speaking of...

"Riley!" I growl. Okay, more of a yell.

My BFF/roomie pokes his head out of the bathroom. His hair is damp and he's got a bottle of mousse in one hand. "Almost done! Promise." He shuts the door again.

"Two minutes! I'm serious!"

Now for the other roomie. "Scorch!"

I hear a low grumble from the other end of the apartment. Temper flaring, I raise my hand and fling his door open with a flare of magic. Thank goddess my recent loss of a body didn't dampen my ability to do magic. No sex and no magic? Unbearable.

"Dude! Chill!"

"Are you ready?"

"I've been ready. Riley's the one taking forever." I can't see him, but a curl of smoke drifts out of his doorway. Apparently I'd startled the little phoenix shifter.

I look up at the clock. My date is going to be here in ten minutes. Heart racing, blood pumping. Except I don't technically have those things anymore. How exactly can I still have bodily reactions without a true body? Another of the many questions that comprise my so-called life these days.

This calls for a cocktail.

I stride to the bar and pull out two martini glasses. As I do, I think of Noir, our bar back in Seattle. Well, technically Zyan's bar, but just as much mine and Riley's in soul and spirit. A place we'd unfortunately never go back to since the angels busted it up and society started going to hell.

Vodka. Vermouth. Mermaid tears or pixie dust? I debate for a moment and then add both. I'm too jittery to decide. Which is another new ridiculousness in my life. I'm Quinn Devereux. And that means all the boys are wrapped around my finger. Or it did mean that. Before.

I've got to get my mojo back. Body or no body. I can do this.

Pulling together my focus, I down my martini in one messy gulp.

"Riley! Scorch!" I shriek.

The bathroom door finally opens and Riley comes out, hair spiked, wearing a leather vest that shows off his muscles and his beautiful cocoa skin.

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