Meeting Blue Eyes

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-Kimberly's POV-

When I walked into the arena in Corpus Christi, wrestlers kept staring at me. I knew all of them, but none of them knew me. Yep. No one knew Jerry Lawler's daughter. I walked to the commentary table where my dad was. I hugged him from behind, "Hi, daddy!" I said. He turned around, "Hi princess! I didn't know you were gonna come. How have you been?" he said back. "I've been awesome, thank you for asking," I replied.

"Oh! Michael, John, this is my daughter Kimberly," he intrduced me. "Hi," I said shyly. They greeted me and my dad told them about me dancing, and that he was proud of me. "Dad, stop," I said blushing. They laughed and he kissed my cheek.

-Jon's (Dean's) POV-

When I was wrapping my hands, a girl walked in wearing black shorts, a Cowboys jersey, and converse. I was curious and followed her to her destination. She walked to the commentary table behind Jerry. "Hi, daddy!" she said.

Jerry has a daughter? And she's hot?

I walked back to my locker room and continued to get ready for tonight's RAW.

-Kimberly's POV- 

"Okay, got explore the arena before the show, and make some friends," my dad said. I rolled my eyes, but smiled anyway. I said bye the men, and walked backstage. After 10 minutes of walking around, I finally found catering. I walked in quickly, grabbed a water bottle, and sat at a table in the corner.

I put my earphones in, and put on 'Let it Die' by Three Days Grace on full blast. I drank my water quietly as the song switched to 'Empire (Let Them Sing)' by Bring Me the Horizon. Two girls who looked about 26 walked up to me, and one with the Diva's championship. I pulled my earphones out, "Um, hi," I said smiling with my high-ish voice that made me sound like a 15 year old. "Who are you?" the one with the blone highlights asked.

"Who wants to know?" I asked back. "ME," she said sternly. "I'm Ki-" I started to say, but she cut me off. "I don't care what your name is. Just know that you will never have my championship," she said getting up in my face, with her towering over my 5'1 figure. "Who said I wanted it?" I said raising my eyebrow.

"Oh please. Every girl wants a chance at my title," she said shoving me. "Well not me," I replied pushing her back harder. I heard people saying, 'Ooh'. She rolled her eyes and walked away. I sat back down and was about to put in my earphones again, but someone came up to me.

I looked up and saw none other than Dolph Ziggler. "I just wanted to say congrats. You're the first person to stick up to Nikki," he said. "Thanks," I smiled. "I'm Nick," he said using his real name. "I'm Kimberly," I smiled at him. "Well, I gotta go get ready, but here's my number. Give me a call sometime," he winked and walked off. I gathered my phone and water and walked out to sit on a crate. I picked up my phone and played Temple Run for a while.

When I looked up there were guys surrounding me. My eyes went wide when they all shoved pieces of paper in my face with numbers on them, while shouting. "HEY! MOVE OUT OF THE WAY! GIVE THE GIRL SOME SPACE!" someone shouted while pushing them. They walked away mummbling.

I looked at the man and we made eyes contact. Dean Ambrose. "Thanks," I smiled. "No problem. I'm Jon," he said smiling. "I'm Kimberly," I said staring looking into his icy blue orbs. "Beautiful name, for a beautiful girl," he said taking my hand and kissing it. "You're so chessey," I laughed. He smiled. "You look interesting. I would like to get to know you. Come with me," he told me. I nodded and he walked us to the highest nosebleed seats.

 "So tell me about yourself," he said. "Um, there's not much to tell. I'm 24, I love rock music, the show 2 Broke Girls, volleyball, pizza, the Cowboys, drawing, and I love to dance. I'm also known as 'Chachi'," I said.

"Let me tell you what I think of your interests. I love your music choice, food choice, and I have been showed some of your dance videos. I thought I knew you from somewhere," he smiled, "And I have to say you're pretty awesome," he finished. I blushed and looked down. He chuckled. "So, you're young. Are you in college?" he asked.

"Actually, I graduated two years ago. In high school I took all the AP classes that were available, so when I graduated, I graduated as a Sophmore in college," I replied. "Impresive," he smirked. "Well, they're about to let the fans in, so we better get backstage," he stated. I nodded. We walked to his locker room, and talked more about me, even though I wanted to know more about him.


"Well, my match is next.It's an Ambulance match. I better get going," I nodded standing up. "You can stay in here if you want," he offered. I smiled and nodded. "You better be watching," he winked. "Oh, trust me I will," I winked back. He chuckled and walked out. His character is way different from his actual self...


When the match was over, I was suprised. I really thought he would win. Well, you win some, you lose some, right?

When he came in limping so, I asked him if he was okay. "Yeah. I'm fine," he said. I raised my eyebrow. "Okay, fine. I'm not my knee is killing me. That eyebrow has magical powers," he said, but whispered the last part not quiet enough. I giggled, and he looked at me. "That's cute," he smiled. I smiled and looked down.

"Would you like to watch a movie with me in my hotel room?" he asked. I blushed and smiled. "Yeah. I'd like that," I said. "Great. Give me 15 minutes abd we can leave," I nodded and he walked into the attached bathroom.

15 minutes later he walked out witg wet hair, a black v-neck, a pair of blue jeans, and grey Nike's.

We walked out and started heading to his car. We got in and he started driving. "So how are you walking around backstage?" he asked with a raised eyebrow. "I'm Jerry Lawlers daughter," I replied. "Then, how did no know you?" he asked. "Believe it or not, it was my first time backstage and seeing Superstars up close," I answered. He nodded as he pulled into the parking lot.

We walked to the elevator and he pressed the button. When it opened he let me out first. I smiled and we walked until we reached his room. He opened the door and let me in.

We sat on the couch and took off our shoes. I sat criss crossed and asked him, "So what are we gonna watch Blue Eyes?" I put my hair in a high ponytail.

"What do you want to watch, beautiful?" he asked with a smile. I blushed and responded with 'Ted'. "How about we order pizza?" he offered. I nodded.

When he hung up the phone, stared at me. I blushed and looked down. "Did you know that you're beautiful?" Jon asked.

"I've been told, but I never really believed it," I said. "Well believe it," he said before kissing my cheek. I blushed and he smiled.


After watching the movie and eating the pizza, I decided to get a flight home to Orlando. "Um, I should get going home," I told him. I looked at him and he had sadness in his eyes. He nodded and I started walking to the door.

"Wait!" he said, causing me to turn around, "What if you travel with me?" he asked. "Are you sure? I mean I don't want to be a burden," I answered. "It would be a burden if you didn't," he said. I smiled. "Okay. I'll meet you at the next Raw," I said biting my lip. He kissed my cheek again before giving me his number.


So that was the first chapter! Tell me what you think!

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