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Es: Where is Shidou?

Amane: Doing stuff.

Es: I do not like the sound of that. Where is Kazui?

Amane: Trying to stop Shidou from doing the stuff.

Es: Mahiru?

Amane: Trying to stop Kazui from stopping Shidou from doing the stuff.

Es: I see...

Es: And what are YOU doing here, Amane?

Amane: I'm supposed to stop you from stopping Mahiru from stopping Kazui from stopping Shidou from doing the stuff.


Jackalope: I'm going to remove all your bones. Put them back in the wrong place and you'll be forced to do the macarena.


Sign, in cursive: I can't read cursive handwriting

Yuno: What does it say?

Muu: "I can't read cursive handwriting"

Yuno: Me neither, that's why I asked


Mahiru: Somebody once asked "Can you spare some change for gas, I need to get myself away from this place."

Mahiru: I said "Yep." What a concept! I could use a little fuel myself. And we could all use a little change.


Haruka: ):

Es: Turn that frown upside down!

Haruka: :(


Es: Okay, listen here you little shit—


Flight Attendant: Now, before we take off, please ensure that all small items are secured!

Mikoto: *taps Fuuta's shoulder*

Fuuta: What?

Mikoto: Do you feel safe?


Fuuta: I will hit you


Kazui: Do you think we can make it before 3?

Shidou: 3 of what?

Kazui: You need your ears checked, by god.

Shidou: Maybe, I am pretty blind.

Kazui: Holy shit


Fuuta: I'm not afraid of ghosts!

Mahiru: That's the spirit!

Fuuta, jumping at least 5 feet into air and clinging onto someone: OH SHIT WHERE??


Kotoko: The liquid is Saturn acts as a surface I guess, if you were to fall into Saturn I think it would have to take a couple of hours before you hit the liquid centre, and then you would just stay there until your body disinterested. You'd be dead in like 2 minutes if you fell into Saturn tho

Mahiru: Hey do you wanna get married?


Fuuta, seeing Haruka and Mikoto do something stupid: Idiots.




Mahiru: But it's LITERALLY on the way!

Es: No, Mahiru, we're not stopping for sunflower seeds.


Mikoto: I just fucked up my ankle when I was just standing why is God constantly nerfing me

Yuno: You can't be nerfed if you have no power, silly

Mikoto: But it's nerf or nothing, silly


Muu: [bites down on lollipop]

Kotoko: Please don't do that


Muu: [Bites down on lollipop again, but this time actually shattering it]

Kotoko: NO—


Mikoto: What's your biggest fear?

Haruka: Being forgotten.

Mikoto: Damn that's deep

Mikoto: Mine was the Kool Aid Man but now I feel stupid about it


Fuuta: Oh look, a kid

Amane: Oh look, a bottom


Fuuta: Okay, listen here—

mappi likes sunflower seeds

Word Count: 478 Words

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 20, 2020 ⏰

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