Chapter 14.

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(Y/N's POV)

I was searching through the numerous books that lined the bookcase in the lobby, hoping to find a text that could help me treat Husk's wounds more effectively or help the situation with Alastor. Humming quietly to myself, I ran my fingers along the binds of the books when it occurred to me I should check on Husk to see if he needs anything.

Making my way up to his room, I examined the framed photographs that adorned the walls, most were of Charlie's family, but some were of more questionable nature. As I neared his room, the pictures got more demented, becoming centred around shadows and twisted shapes. I shook my head, trying to rid myself of the worries as I pressed down the door handle to Husk's room.

Husk was nowhere to be seen.

There was only a small imprint into the duvet where he once laid, not even a note to consult me where he could possibly be. I huffed, again beginning my search to find the winged cat demon. As I rushed up and down the halls, that I seemed to race by quite often, I repeated my previous hunt. My search seemed to be in vain, not a single trace of Husk, I decided the balcony would be the best place to look over the quaint yard.

Leaning over the balcony, I scoured the landscape to see if I could catch sight of him. I couldn't directly see Husk, but I observed there was a small figure in the distance, notably having wings, and jumping up and down, occasionally falling to the ground. I had an inkling this was him.

That bastard, how dare he disobey my rules to stay inside and what is he even doing? Anger rose up in me as I sprinted downstairs, swinging around banister posts to get their as fast as I could.

I neared the figure, as I got closer I was adamant it was Husk, there was no mistaking that wing pattern and dapper top hat. He was in the furthest corner of the yard, almost concealed by the sheer amount of shrubbery that covered the far wall. I just watched for a minute, curious of what he was doing that was so important that he had to do it in secret. A secret from me. I wasn't that bad. Right?


Husk was jumping up and down, flapping his wings and trying to gain height. After a couple attempts, he managed to fly for just a second before being thrown to the dirt once again. Everytime he hurtled to the ground, his paws formed a fist, his two sets of eyebrows ruffling in frustration.

He was trying to fly.
To protect me.

'You don't have to do this.'
I approached him as he spun around, seemingly surprised I was able to track him down so quickly. Entwining my fingers with his claws, he glimpsed at me, searching my eyes for my opinion on the situation.

'I know.' He rested his other hand on mine, his thumb slowly rubbing my hand.

I began, 'you should go rest-'

'It's fine.' Husk tried to reassure me, but I wasn't having it. I raised my voice slightly,
'It is not fine. You do not hurt yourself for me. I'm not worth-'

'You are worth it, Y/N.' He gave me a look, one that seemed so shallow on the surface, but expressed his feelings more than words ever could.

'It's not good to tell lies, kitty.' I laughed slightly, separating our hands hastily, 'you don't need to protect me.'

'I know, I just.. I couldn't bare it if you got erased in front of me.'


Before I could ask about the unfamiliar term, he sighed heavily as he bid me a goodbye. Husk headed to the main hotel block, probably heeding my advice to go to bed. I watched as his unmistakable silhouette slowly faded into the distance, my view being obstructed by the walls of the building and the swaying trees.

A particular plethora of flowers caught my eye, they grew near the corner of the brick wall, some stems winding around the individual bricks. They were all of fascinatingly vivid shades of pink, blue, purple and yellow as I gingerly caressed a petal of one of them. As I did, it started to wilt, its bright petals fading into an ashen grey, devoid of any life.

Beauty was still able to bloom in Hell.
But when will it wilt?


I shook my head of the thoughts I deemed of silly nature, the unreasonable questions clouding my mind. Letting my mind wonder, it drifted to the matter of Husk and if he actually made it to bed or was drinking some booze in the bar.

It was most likely the latter option.

Stepping up the seemingly endless flight of stairs, I reached the now all too familiar sight of Husk's bedroom. I unlocked it with the spare keys I managed to obtain from Charlie and observed the room. Under the blankets, Husk was sleeping, his chest rising and falling against the blanket in regular intervals.

I guess he really was in need of rest.

I took the opportunity to change his bandages, lifting up his fur clad arms to switch the plasters for fresh ones and to examine the current state of his wounds. His injuries were healing nicely, most of his bruises nearly returned back to normal shade.

Once I finished this action, I stared at his sleeping figure for a second before shifting towards his bedside.

He was so calm. So collected. So content.
His eyebrows weren't furrowed into a scowl, his mouth not curled into a frown.
He was happy.

But I wasn't satisfied. Alastor hurt Husk.

I leaned down to kiss his forehead, strands of fur tickling me before I retracted the contact.

I still wasn't satisfied.

I will not be satisfied till Alastor's blood is spilled.

An Angel Among Sins - Husk x Fallen Angel!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now