Helbram Gets bored (A Helking Oneshot)

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Helbram was undeniably and utterly bored. He had already annoyed the rest of the group to the point where they straight up told him to fuck off and bother somebody else, and now he didn't know what to do. He floated aimlessly above the tavern, sighing softly and thinking, It's not my fault that there's literally nothing to do around here. They didn't have to be so rude. The green haired fairy groaned and sat on the edge of the roof, gazing out across the landscape and yawning, when suddenly an idea struck him. He smirked to himself and flew back inside the tavern in search of his boyfriend.

Harlequin, on the other had, was most definitely not bored. In fact, he was so engrossed in the book that he was reading, he didn't even notice when Helbram had come in, complaining that he was bored.

"Harlequin? Oi, Harlequin-" Helbram called, waving a hand in his boyfriend's face to no avail. The green haired fairy huffed out a sigh and pursed his lips, trying to think of ways to get his boyfriend's attention. He suddenly smirked and walked behind Harlequin, picking him up and carrying him over to their bed.

"What in the worl- Helbram?" the brunette cried out, looking up from his book. Said fairy chuckled and set him down, a smirk on his lips as he replied, "The one and only!"

"I was reading!"

"So? I'm bored..."

"Then go find something else to do, cause I wanna finish my book," Harlequin sighed, picking his book up and reading from where he left off. Helbram pouted and flopped down on the bed next to him, muttering, "But there's nothing to do. Besides, everyone has already told me to fuck off and go bother someone else."


"Oi, are you even listening to me?"


The green haired fairy sighed loudly and looked over at Harlequin, noticing that he indeed was ignoring him in favor of reading his book. Should I just steal his book and hide it somewhere? he wondered, before sighing and shaking his head. No, it's best if I don't do that... If I did, he'd probably ignore me for the rest of the day. He turned on his side and watched his boyfriend, a soft smile appearing on his lips. He looks adorable when he's engrossed in something~ His smile widened and he sat up, resting his head on Harlequin's shoulder and closing his eyes.

A half hour passed with the two sitting like that, before Helbram opened his eyes and groaned softly, a slightly irritated look on his face. He turned to the brunette beside him and poked his side, causing him to yelp and almost drop his book.

"Helbram!" Harlequin cried out, shooting him a glare as he re-positioned himself on the bed.

"Are you done yet?" the green haired fairy asked, still overcome with boredom. Harlequin shook his head and looked back down at his book, eliciting Helbram to let out a half irritated sigh.

"Fine then, I'll leave you alone," the greenette muttered, suddenly getting an idea and hopping off of the bed. Harlequin released a relieved sigh when he left the room and laid back against Chastiefol, finally able to enjoy his book in peace.


Helbram walked back inside the room and glanced over at Harlequin, an eyebrow raised, before he smirked and started to undress himself. If this doesn't get his attention, I don't know what will, he thought, taking off his last article of clothing and dropping it to the floor. He walked over to the bed and sat down next to his boyfriend, spreading his legs slightly. Now to wait for him to notice... It took a few minutes, but eventually Harlequin shifted and realized that the greenette was back, a sigh escaping his lips.

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