Chapter one

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                                                                      The Clover Snake

Welcome to the land of snakes where many snakes are bought together to celebrate the happiness of the natural wonders in the snake valley.

Deep down in the forest lies the clover valley where they make little four or three-leafed clovers and blow them to the top world.

That's how Cathy met Clover the clover snake and daughter to the one who invented this factory and decided to name it the clover factory, where lots of clover snakes invent them and make them flow to the surface of the world But that wasn't the reason they met, they met of when Cathy fell down a hole and wasn't able to go back to the surface world but luckily she was able to help Cathy but she also told her"Be careful of where you go case you may never see me again unless you fall down a hole again" explained Clover who was waving her tail of goodbyes again and again till she wasn't able to see her anymore.

When she couldn't see her any more she used her powers and did a clover and made it go staright up like a firework going up and making it go to the spotlight.

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