He'd never forget it, quite frankly.

Yejin notes him pass one sideways glance at her and then, bite down his lip.

Pouty, aren't you? She wants to annoy him, test his patience just so she could see him pout like that once more.

“No thank you, we're just leaving. Five more minutes.” he tells her and Yejin feels like melting. How come her had such a deep voice for someone so shy? It made no sense in her books.

When the librarian leaves them in solace, he turns to her, all too suddenly, the big bad bully in her is gone and she feels like an ant under the magnifying glass. His warm brown eyes are looking at her intently, the slight tilt in his head is giving her a perfect view of the soulful eyes he hides behind his spectacles. The hands knotted in his lap indicate he's not like all the other guys who want to make a move on her by extending male dominance and trying to touch her. Yejin knows all these signs for she is too familiar with men and the way their mind works.

Her heart tells her this man before her right now, is nothing like the ones she has already encountered.

“My name is Bin.” he's talking again and Yejin has to catch herself from drooling, his voice is like velvet, she doesn't want it to stop. “Here are a few things I was going to go over with you today,” in neat cursive fonts, he jots down a couple of bullets which she assumes to be topics they would have started today. She watched him pin down bullet after bullet with eyes focused on the blank page. He doesn't make an effort to look back at her for a response as he slides the paper towards her.

Yejin is almost guilty, keyword, almost.

The fact that he didn't get angry towards her obnoxious self made her squirm in her seat. Maybe skipping today's lecture with him and partying her heart out wasn't the smartest move after all but she was too proud to admit what she had done was indeed, wrong. She casts him a final glance and immediately grabs the sheet on the table, balling it in her fist as she shoves it down her pocket in a forgotten mess.

“Hey!” she yelled at him when he got up and started gathering his belongings. Yejin didn't understand this man; she made him feel utterly pathetic by not only making him deliberately wait so long (she'd admit, she wanted him to leave before she came because then it gave her the excuse to say that he didn't show up for their little teaching session) not only that, she also completely humiliated him by saying she wasn't going to study anything today, a crude lie she had made up to meet a friend.

But who was she kidding, who was her real friend here? Who wanted befriend her for her and because she was the daughter of the universityʼs director?

Bin regards her with curious eyes. His pout is back and it makes Yejin mad how all too suddenly she's a sucker for a nerdʼs pouty face, someone she didn't even know much about other than his name and that he was her teacher for the time being.

“Don't you have any self respect? Aren't you mad?” her anger intensifies when he gives her a small smile. It catches her off guard; it's nothing like she's ever been. Since when did Son Yejin go without having the last word or swooning over a nerd who was giving her mix of irration and butterflies at the same time?

“I'll tell Professor Kang we got off on a good start.” his voice is soft, it annoys her even more. “But I do urge you to come to the next session on Monday. I don't want—” he stops, bites his bottom lip and runs his fingers through the silky tresses on his head. “We don't want you falling behind even more.”

Just like that, Yejin watches him tighten his bagʼs strap over his shoulder and leave while she's left to wonder what the fuck just happened.


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