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After Val finished teaching me our jive, he walked me out to my car when we discovered that we were parked next to each other. As we both waved goodbye, Val's car would not start.

I quietly exited the Beetle and went over to him. "Hey, do you need a ride home?" I asked him.

"Yeah, thanks, but I'm supposed to pick up Maks at the airport."

"Oh, that's fine. I just need to check with Bethany to see if she needs me to take her home." I replied.

Right after I said that, she walked out of the dance studio with Sadie Robertson. "Hi, Katya! This is Sadie," she called out as she approached my car.

"I'm Katya," I said, "oh, you should come to my house tonight, Bethany and I are having a mini-party with Derek, Mark, Julianne, Alfonso and Witney later."

Sadie smiled, "of course! Just text me your address and when to come."
I quickly gave her my phone number and address. After Bethany left with Sadie, I turned to Val, unlocked the car, and we left for the airport.

Val and I waited near the United Airlines baggage claim while we waited for his brother's plane to land. 15 minutes later, Maks approached us with his bags, smiling broadly.

"Val! Мама говорит, что она скучает по тебе очень дорого. А это кто ?" Maks spoke quickly in Russian to his brother. (Val! Mama says she misses you dearly. Who is this?)

"Я Катя, партнера Val в этом сезоне . Это приятно, наконец, встретиться с вами," I began to laugh softly at his shocked expression. (I'm Katya, Val's partner this season. It's nice to finally meet you.)

Maks and Val continued to stare at me.

"What, have you never heard a 17-year-old girl speak Russian?"

"You didn't tell me you spoke it at rehearsal! I would've talked the entire time in Russian if I had known," Val playfully glared at me.

I smirked at him, "not my fault you didn't think me being born in Ukraine with a Ukranian father and Russian mother through!"

"She's got you with that one, bro."

I checked my phone for the time. "Дерьмо. We have to go, I have to be back at my house by 9:00." (Shit.)

"Okay, let's go then," Val smiled.

I dropped them off at their house just after 8:30. "If either of you feel like coming to a party tonight, come to my house anytime after 9:00!"

"I guess we'll see you then," Maks replied.


Half past 9:00, after Alfonso, Witney, Sadie, Mark, Derek, Julianne and Bethany arrived at my house and were stuffing their faces with the pizza I made, I heard the doorbell ring and my dogs began to bark.

"Come on in," I said, smiling at Val and Maks' face. "Don't worry about them," I said, pointing to Nala, Simba, and Pushka (my dogs and cat), "they try to act tough but they're the sweetest things you'll ever meet."

Since Simba is a pure white Great Pyrenees at 3ft 2in, Nala is a midnight-black Newfoundland at 2ft nearly 4in, and Pushka (fluffy in English) is a huge Siberian cat, most people become at least slightly intimidated at the sight of them.

I led Val and Maks to the living room where everyone else sat together. "Okay, Val, Maks, the big white dog is Simba, the other one is Nala, and my cat's name is Pushka."

"Simba and Nala? Like, The Lion King?" Maks asked, raising an eyebrow.

"And Pushka, doesn't that mean fluffy? Very fitting." Val commented.

I laughed softly at their comments, "yes, like the Lion King. It was my dad's idea, I Skyped him right after I got her and that was the first thing he said about her."

//Two Hours Later \\

Bethany screamed as I pushed her into my pool, her screams soon muffled by splashes.

"I hate you, Katya!" She yelled as she adjusted her flamingo-print bikini top.

"You know you love me," I replied, quickly pulling my hair into a high bun and securing it with two hair ties. I pulled off my dress, revealing my perfectly-toned stomach and light purple bikini top with chevron bottoms.

Suddenly I felt two strong arms wrap around me and toss my body into the pool. I turned around once I reached the surface and saw Derek standing there, laughing hysterically.

I swam over to the other edge of the pool where the others sat. They were all laughing at Derek's idiocy.

"How did you know Derek and Mark, anyway?" Witney asked, she looked like a perfect pin-up model in her high waisted floral bikini.

Mark and I looked at each other for a few seconds before beginning to laugh.

"Okay, so I think we were at the Emmy's and it was my first time wearing heels, and they were like 5 inches," I paused to roll my eyes at Derek who was already cracking up, "so anyway,we were on the red carpet and Derek and Mark were a couple feet in front of me."

Mark continued the story of our meeting, "and as she was walking forward, she tripped into me," he stopped to laugh a little, "and then I fell into Derek."

"After I finished apologizing to them, we walked into the theater and discovered that we were sitting next to each other," I continued, "so then Derek began using cheesy pick-up lines the entire night, that is until Julianne asked me how old I was."

Then Julianne told her part of the story. "and when she replied with 16, he just kept opening and closing his mouth, the idiot," she began laughing, just like everyone else, "and then he wouldn't stop apologizing to her, not even when Katya said it was fine!"

Val, Maks, and Alfonso were all staring at Derek, mouths wide open.

"Dude, what were you thinking?!" Val exclaimed, slapping Derek's head.

He chuckled awkwardly, "um, I thought she was over 18?"

"And yet I'm still not. At least you stopped with the pick-up lines," I joked while splashing him.

1 1/2 hours later

After spending a while going in between the pool and jacuzzi, everyone headed inside, except Bethany, Sadie, and I.

We were just about to pull the trampoline across the pool (it's perfectly fitted and connects to retractable hooks in the pool), when Val and Maks jogged out to help us.

"At least someone is polite here," Bethany joked.

We finished pulling the trampoline and went inside where everyone else was waiting.

"Oh yeah, I was meaning to ask you, Katya," Val said to me, "what is allstar cheer?"

Bethany and I grinned at each other, "follow us."

We headed downstairs, to the basement, where my dad had installed a mini-gym before he was deployed.

"Nike pros are in that closet," I told Bethany, pointing to the one I meant for her to go to.

We rushed to pick out our Nikes and hurriedly dressed in them.

The fun was about to begin.

Yay! Chapter Two is done! Hope you like it :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2015 ⏰

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