The Golden Dragon

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"Do you wish we could go back to a time when we were carefree?"

"Do you wish we could go back to a time when we were carefree?"

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"I will not be owned by any man, brother. You might be the King of Westeros, but I am the ruler of my heart and body."


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"You should remember who got you here."

 "I know how I got here and it wasn't you, Father, or any other man you want to name! He loves me! He respects me! And that is why he married me."


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"Cersei and Jaime Lannister," she mused looking down at her two children, their golden hair glimmering in the candlelight. "Born on the brink of a new world."


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"You underestimate me. I would do anything for my family."


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"The Targaryens are dead, Your Grace."

"Not all of them."


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