Soon enough Thursday rolls around I text out in the group were doing date night and talking about or trip this weekend for spring break. Everyone reply's okay and I just say we're gonna do game night at Adrians place so they don't have to dress up. I have an appointment then I'm going into school late I text Adrian and let him know then he goes ok I'm omw to take you I laugh and say okay. He takes me to my appointment then we go get breakfast before going to school right as the bell rings for the second class. He walks me to class and we go our separate ways the classes blow by quickly now it's lunch we meet up with everyone and discuss what games we want to play tonight we talk about all the stuff so I tell Adrian let's go to the 99cent store and get some stuff before lunch is over. We grab a bunch of stuff for this little date night get together and a couple of decorations. We check out throw the stuff in the trunk and head back to school the rest of the school day goes by quickly but slow in my math class we ended up having a ten page test. I go to my locker and put my books up and text Adrian that I'll be waiting at the car. I go and sit on the hood of his car and scroll through Instagram and see a picture of myself and it's a post from Sasha the caption say by far the best person I've let in my life 🥰😌 I like it and comment love you too wish I could like it a thousand times. I smile seeing Adrian coming my way talking to one of his friends that I've actually met before but rarely see so I forgot he even had friends. He gets to the car they finish up and I say Hey Bryant long time no see how have you been? He laughs and says good you been holding my boy hostage. I hear Adrian laugh and I say no I'm not and him and Adrian just give each other a look. I say wow that's fucked up. You seeing anyone Adrian goes you nosey and I was like I'm just asking I was seeing if he wanted to come to game night. Adrian smiles and say nope he's the homeboy that's going with us he already invited beat you to it. They dap up and Adrian opens my door for me and we get ready to go. I'm sitting there quite then I go hey you think Mia is his type he laughs and says don't go there mind your business & I say but they both gonna be single. So they can get to know each other so they not odd man out he looks over and says last time mind your business. I do a little pout face and say fine. Then I send out in the group text his address and to come at six thirty. Then I switch over and text Sasha and tell her to come at six we gotta talk about something. I smile to myself we get to his place and set up I put some pretzels in the oven and put some cheese on and make some more snacks I go to the bathroom turn on some music then turn the shower on to heat it up and lay my clothes out to take a shower and change for the party. I turn my music up and wash up I was in there jamming I get out and brush my hair up into a messy bun because who cares. I open the bathroom door to Adrian sitting on the bed looking at his watch and he goes umm I think we've got time? I say nope cause I've got food cooking and Sashas coming before everyone else & I just took a shower nope nope nope. He smiles and just keeps looking at me. Then gives me this little fake ass sad face and I cave. He smiles and says we'll shower together. We ended up loosing track of time and hop up and rush to shower then the door bell rings and I finish washing up and I peep out it's just Sasha I open the door and laugh and say sorry was taking a shower I'm about to get dressed & she gives me a knowing smirk and says yea you was taking a shower alright I say mind your business I'll be right back. I go back in the room and peek my head into the bathroom and say Sashas here. I get dressed and go into the living room I sit for a moment and tell her so you remember Bryant? She goes yea so he's gonna be here tonight he's going on the trip with us and him & Mia single so you tryna help me out so they won't be alone on the trip?? She smiles and then Adrian opens the door and I give her a look of hush and he looks at us and says so what y'all talking about and I say nothing then we get up to set up and everyone starts to show up. Sasha sits next to Mia until Bryant shows up and she moves when she moves when he walks in I smile a little and say Hey then I introduce him to everyone. Then I get to Mia and he goes I already know her she's in my Ap science class Mia right and she blushes and says yes that's me. He sits down next to her and I look at Sasha like girl what ??? Adrian looks at me and says why you looking at her I laugh and say we shook I didn't know they knew each other. He goes Sasha don't go to our school so why would she be shook I laugh and say mind your business she asked me if she was gonna be going alone since we had to find another person. So we set out all the food and start talking about the trip we leave Friday and we're taking 3 cars so Adrian agreed to drive them Bryant says he will drive and the girl from my job said she would drive so it'll be me Adrian Sasha her boyfriend then Bryant Mia donate and his boyfriend then in the last car Andrea my coworker and their boyfriends. We set it and a time to meet up to leave and then we start playing uno and of course I won twice we played a couple more games in teams and the night went on and everyone was starting to slowly leave I'm talking with Mia and she says she's about to go and Bryant's talking to Adrian and goes hey wait up I'll walk you to your car. I look over at Adrian and he mouths MIND YOUR DAMN BUSINESS. I laugh and say whatever and start cleaning up.

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