"One fell, one leapt"

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"Need some help?"

You kinda were so horrified that you missed your train you kinda sat there staring at the sky. Until, of course, scout stepped in and offered to give you a hand. Your face was kinda covered in dirt so you whiped your face with the long sleeve of the oversized pajama top and grabbed his hand to stand up.

"Aye, who is this?"

You turned around to see the whole squad had circled around you. It was sorta embarrassing.
"I'm (Y/N) (Your Name), and well- I was supposed to leave on that train but I woke up too late"

"Well there's plenty a' room here!"
Scout said, putting a reassuring hand on your shoulder.

Spy said back, not wanting some stranger around.

"Cmon we can't just leave em' here! That would be rude!"

The mercs all looked at eachother and nodded I'm agreement. Spy looked back sighing.
"The train comes once a month. It will come next month."

You understood you had to catch that train the next month so you gave a smile back. "Yea. Thanks"

Everyone headed inside and you got dressed. You didn't want to rewear your clothes so you put on a standard t shirt you found and some pants. You walked into the kitchen to find some food.
"Yes forgot this was a war. No buffet I guess just bread, bacon and." You stared at the lonesome sandvich in the fridge. Always wanted to try one from the game but decided not to have your first enemy so let it be.

There wasn't much but you successfully made an onion soup. With some onions that you happened to find. The kitchen air was filled with vibrant smells. And you sat down with some bread that you stuck in the soup to make it taste at least better. If it could.


You stood up quickly and ran to where the sounds were. And it was your dog, wrecking none other than the medics lab. You were startled but scooped up your dog in your hands.
"Nononono! why this room!"
You placed it down and shut and locked the door, trying to sweep and collect the broken items into the trash and kinda disinfected the whole room. If you were going in there, you were going to be safe.

You sighed as you noticed something white in your dogs mouth. And drops of blood leaving it's mouth. You scrambled and carefully took the thing out of their mouth it was none other than Archimedes. You knew you were in some deep trouble. It was still alive, but it did have several puncture wounds. All you knew in the medical field was if you were bleeding, you put a bandaid on it. But you can't slap a bandaid on a bird!

You washed the bird up hoping it would stop the bleeding. You were panicking when you heard the faintest knock at the door. The sound petrified you.

"Hallo in zhere?"

What were you supposed to say. So you quietly unlocked the door and crawled under a counter, hoping he would go mercy on your dog. You if he found you.

He looked around the room. Knowing something was up he searched every nook and cranny. Until he eventually found you.

"Knew mein lab was too clean. Vhy are you in hier?"

You gulped.
"My dog kinda wrecked the place.."
Your dog gave a reassuring bark afterwards.

Medic sighed.
"Well danke for the clean up, though I was going to use some of the things you
threw out for exparamenting."
He tapped his chin and looked at you.
"Fresh blood. May I use you?"

You stared at him with a horrified face and thought, 'is he really serious?'
"Uhm- sure....?
first, what are you going to do?"
You tried to back up but you were sitting in a floor cabinet so you couldn't really move away from the conversation.

He backed up so you could get out, which you did. You got out and sat on the exam table.

"Just some tests"

From the comics you've read. You knew this was probably not a good thing at all. But stuck with it.

Probably an hour later. After getting your needles stabbed into you, blood drained. More simple general stuff he was done and you felt like you went through a hurricane.
He was in the other room so you just laid out on the floor.

He came back.
"Vhy are you on ze floor?"

"My body is in pain"
You knew probably you should head and drink some water before he sucks out whatever blood was left in ya.
"Can I go-?"

He said as he was writing on a paper.

You staggered up and headed to the kitchen, your dog followed.
You at least chugged a couple bottles of water before engie walked in. Probably coming to prepare lunch of some kind. Realizing you ate soup for breakfast. Might as well eat bacon for lunch.

"You ok?"
He was confused on why you were chugging all the clean water

I don't wanna talk about it."

"Alrighty then."
He took out ingredients for cornbread

You were dumb that you didn't look for ingredients like that. Just already prepped food.
"Can I help?"

He nodded and handed you the instructions. It was all scribbles, fast paced work probably only the owner could understand. But you tried your best with his help aswell and made well. Nice cornbread.

You nommed on it and thanked him.
Wanting to explore the massive but tiny fortress you waltzed around till ya found the training room. Confused on why they had to train if they were professionals. You saw soldier beating a poor dummy with his shovel.
"Watcha doin?"
You said

He looked at you

You smiled at the patriotic warrior as you looked at the Arsenal of guns. This, of course, is wheee they kept them. Not wanting to touch them you kinda just gazed at them until sniper came and took his for training. You followed, of course wanting to watch.

Up to the courtyard where dummy's were placed for headshots galore!
You didn't want to interrupt so you watched from afar, he eventually pulled out the huntsman and well. Your dog jumped down and snatched up the arrow. And brang it back to his feet.

He immediately noticed your presence and carefully picked up the arrow placed it back and took a stick, firing it instead for the dog. You stopped hiding from the shadows.
"Yea thanks-
He doesn't have many toys so it's glory to have someone play with him."

"You don't take breaks?"

You were surprised he even peeped.
"Well no-"
"You should"
You couldn't even finish yet he budded in.

"Well I do! I just don't play with em as much as I used to.."

"And why is that?"

"Occupied with hobbies I guess.."

He placed his hand on your head like a pat.
"Always save time for the ones ya love mate'"
At that he took it off as the dog came back and he placed him in your arms.
You smiled up at him

Jeebus that's 1210 words!
Tune into next time!


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