The Plan-Talking to Hermione

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Hermione was waiting when Judi Apparated into her room early the next morning. She looked as if she had been up for a while. Books were spread out on her bed, many of them open.

"Um ‘Mione," Judi started cautiously. "What have you been doing?"

Hermione stared at her for a moment. "Reading up on Time-Turner rules." She smiled. "You’d figure I’d know everything about them since I used one in third year to save Buckbeak and Sirius."

At this thought, Judi wondered if she would end up saving Sirius Black too. She knew, as well as everyone else, that Harry missed his godfather fiercely.

As if she could sense what Judi was thinking, Hermione spoke up. " I know you want to help everyone you can Judi, but you have to be careful. Time is very fragile."

"So were Cedric and Fred."

Hermione nodded understandingly. "Fred loved you very much."

Judi, who’d been in the process of watching her feet, looked up at Hermione quickly. "What are you talking about?"

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Were you truly that blind Judi? Fred fell for you. Hard."

She shook her head, fighting the tears. "Don’t tell me that. If you don’t want me to go save him, don’t tell me that." She thought for a moment. "How could he love me? I deceived you all. I got him killed."

Suddenly, Hermione jumped to her feet, eyes fiery. "What are you saying? How can you possibly think you are the one who caused Fred’s death? We were in the middle of a battle. The wall blew up behind him and he wasn’t ready for it!" She grabbed Judi’s shoulders and shook her in a non-violent way. "Do not blame yourself for his death! You did not kill him!"

Judi was crying now, her chest clenching painfully. No matter what Hermione said, she would never believe that this was not her fault. If Fred had really been in love with her, then it was definitely her fault.

"H-how do I travel back to your fourth year?" Judi asked, changing the subject. She couldn’t take much more of this. The guilt was overwhelming.

Even though Hermione continued to watch her expectantly, she held out her hand. "Give me the

Time-turners. We want you going back years, not hours."

Judi walked over the bed, cleared a space and spilled the six time-turners onto the bed. Hermione started. "Why do you have six?" She asked, coming over to investigate.

"A precaution. For when there is someone coming or going with us." When Hermione looked at her suspiciously, she added, "I may need some extra help when I go. Draco can not be part, well at least not a very big part, of saving Cedric."

Hermione folded her arms across her chest, her wand poised in her right hand. "What are you talking about?"

Judi breathed in then breathed out, trying to settle her nerves. "I need help Hermione. I’m going back for Cedric no matter how many fucking times it takes. If all goes well, I won’t have to go back for Fred. He’ll be here."

For a moment, Hermione was quiet as she studied Judi. "The final battle would’ve happened even if you hadn’t been there. You know that right?" She didn’t wait for Judi to answer. "The night Cedric died, Voldemort aroseonly because he got Harry’s blood. Everyone that believed Harry and Dumbledore and probably others who would not admit it expected the Final Battle. So what is your real plan?"

"I thought it would be obvious to you Hermione," Judi sighed. "After we save Cedric, someone can Stun Wormtail, and another person can try to get rid of the thing that was Voldemort. Afterwards, we can return here. Sure everything will be changed, but the Horcruxes will be gone, and Harry will be.."

"Will still be a Horcrux."

Judi paused, thinking over her mistake. "Right. I have that one figured out too."

Hermione gave her a look that stated, "Sure, go on."

Harry has to die for the Horcrux to leave right?" Judi said. Hermione nodded. "So why don’t we get Voldemort to kill him purposefully? One of us can use the Imperius Curse to do it. Then, when Harry comes back, we return."

Hermione’s eyes were wide. "You gave this a lot of thought didn’t you?"

She smiled. "Ever since I started reading about the Triwizard Tournament’s third Task."

Again Hermione was quiet, contemplating. Finally she said, "OK. I’m in. I’ll fill Ron in on everything as well. Harry too." She was silent a moment. By the time we count everyone we will have six people." She looked at Judi amazed. "You got a Time-turner for each of us?"

Judi frowned. "Yea."

"Why?" She asked. "Two people can fit into one time-turner."

"I have my own plans Hermione," Judi stated. "Please just do the charm. I have to," Hermione waved her wand over the six Time-turners. They shone a deep purple, bright at first, but that gently died away until the time-turners were gold again.

Hermione slipped the six chains into Judi’s messenger bag and handed it over to Judi. "Your plan still has a few glitches Judi."

She sighed. "I know Hermione, but not all plans can be perfect."

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