No such luck. It only causes them to laugh more and follow Slater out the front door.

"You're all a bunch of jerks. Picking on a poor, innocent female who was only trying to save her precious chips that were stolen from her." I'm heavy on the dramatics, even I can see that, but I did say it's almost shark week for me so I'm excused.

"Little cousin, there is nothing innocent about you, so give it up." Austin says as I watch him walk toward the side of the house where I know the hose is.

I brace my hands on Slater's muscular back and lift my head up to glare at Austin, "You were my favorite cousin. Now you're disowned."

Austin laughs, I'm glad I can be so entertaining to these assholes today, and asks Slater, "You willing to take one for the team so I can hose this wild hog down?"

"Did you just call me a pig?!" I shout as Slater says, "Gladly!"

Before I can even attempt to get away, both Slater and I are drenched in a wave of cold water. My screams are soon drowned out by laughter as we all let our inner kids out for a water fight. Slater still has a tight hold on me and I'm just about to bite his ass so he'll have no choice but to release me when a door is slammed and a growl drowns out the laughter. Slater turns to face the possible threat, shielding me from it and making it impossible for me to see what's happening. The tingles flowing along my skin tell me exactly who the growl belongs to.


From my spot, I can only see Austin and would have found it funny how his mouth is dropped open and the hose hangs limply from his hands as he shuts the water off, but I'm too nervous about what's happening.

"What the hell, man?" Slater asks. Clearly confused by the possessive display Phoenix is showing.

Phoenix growls once again and repeats himself, this time sounding a little closer. "I said, PUT. HER. DOWN."

I can feel Slater trembling beneath me. No wolf likes to be ordered by another. Sensing an altercation about to happen, I tap Slater on the back and say, "It's okay, Slater. Let me down."

He does as I request, but being one of the protective barbarians in my life, he quickly shuffles me behind him ready to pound a slightly bigger Phoenix into the ground if he has to. I roll my eyes but can't deny the warm flutters I feel at his action. Knowing he'd go to battle for me is sweet, but totally pointless in this situation since it's only Phoenix's possessiveness of his mate that has him on the attack and in no way does he plan to hurt me. Well, no more than he already has.

"Phoenix, back off." This is said from my brother. Being he's the future Alpha, he has some ability to get Phoenix to do as he says but as I look into the rage filled eyes of my mate, I see it's not really working. Phoenix begins to advance toward Slater and I, more wolf than man in this moment. It both excites and worries me because my best friend still stands between the two of us and the murderous intent in Phoenix's eyes is clear as day.

I place my hand on Slater's arm, trying to pull him back when Phoenix says, "Don't touch him!"

This has everyone bristling as the guys shout for him not to talk to me like that. I voice this out loud as I try to step in front of Slater, "Don't order me around!"

Slater makes the mistake of grabbing my waist to pull me back and before I can blink I'm gently yet forcefully removed from Slaters hands and set to the side as Phoenix rushes a surprised Slater, pinning him by the neck against the side of my brother's truck, slightly denting the driver side door. "You will not touch her again. No one touches her but me!"

Everyone is shocked silent. I'm trembling at the scene before me and only then realize I'm in the familiar arms of my brother who must have read the situation and got me out of the way quickly. In the silence, I'm able to see around the bubble of animosity Slater, Phoenix, and myself were standing in and notice my mom and aunt Shelly just outside the front door of our house and my dad and uncle Jared observing everything from his work truck at the bottom of the driveway.

Phoenix still has Slater by the neck and though the latter is turning red, I see Phoenix isn't really exerting more pressure than is needed to keep Slater in place. Part of me wonders if it's because he knows Slater is special to me, and hurting him will essentially hurt me. Despite that being the case, Phoenix's wolf is still very much in control and only the order of an Alpha or touch of a mate will reign him in. My dad must realize I'm still too stunned to attempt it so he steps forward and gives the order, "Phoenix, release him."

Phoenix removes his death glare from Slater, turning to me first. Seeing me in the arms of my brother has him frowning but then he does as he's ordered and steps back.

"What the fuck just happened?" Slater says rubbing his neck.

Before a reply can be given, Phoenix is in front of me. He exchanges a silent conversation with my brother. I'm shocked again when my brother reluctantly lets me go, but I'm not able to dwell on that for long because in the next instant, I'm once again lifted off my feet and thrown over Phoenix's shoulder.

The boys' protests follow our retreating figures as Phoenix takes me past my mom and aunt Shelly and into the house. As mom closes the door I hear my father say, "She's in no danger. Phoenix is her mate."

I stiffen at my father's words spoken so matter of fact. When the hell did he find out? The outraged voices are muffled as Phoenix moves us deeper into my house and toward my dad's office. Once there, he kicks the door closed and maneuvers me over his shoulder and into his arms before sitting on the couch and settling me in his lap.

I must be in a state of paralysis because I let him do this without an ounce of protest. The anger of moments ago slips from his face as he looks at me with affection. This is so damn weird and I'm finally regaining a bit of my fight, ready to bolt out of his arms when his face turns sad and his arms tighten around me as he asks, "Please don't fight me Hayley. Just let me hold you for a minute until my heart stops beating out of my chest."

His words are spoken so heartfelt that I can't help but comply. Thoughts of Jeanette, our situation, the chaos of everyone now knowing our secret, it all fades away in his arms. We both relax into each other. Nothing is said, we just let our wolves take comfort in one another.

I know we're about to face some serious conversations and decisions now that Phoenix basically claimed me in front of almost everyone I hold dear to me, but in this moment I just rest my head against his as he hugs me tighter and for the first time in my seventeen years on this earth, I feel the restlessness I've always felt fade away.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2020 ⏰

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